Merge remote-tracking branch 'samueldr/feature/sorted-apps-and-all-apps'

Daniel Barlow 2022-03-20 14:08:55 +00:00
commit 05b8cc77e8
2 changed files with 50 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ let inifile = let lua = lua5_3; in lua53Packages.buildLuaPackage rec {
in stdenv.mkDerivation {

View File

@ -89,12 +89,20 @@
(local lfs (require :lfs))
(local inifile (require :inifile))
(local List (require "pl.List"))
(local stringx (require "pl.stringx"))
(local tablex (require "pl.tablex"))
(local inspect (require :inspect))
(local posix (require :posix))
(local path {
:absolute? (fn [str] (= (str:sub 1 1) "/"))
:concat (fn [...] (table.concat [...] "/"))
(local search-path {
:concat (fn [...] (table.concat [...] ":"))
(local Gtk lgi.Gtk)
(local GdkPixbuf lgi.GdkPixbuf)
@ -152,19 +160,52 @@
vals (. parsed "Desktop Entry")]
(when vals.Icon
(tset vals "IconImage" (find-icon vals.Icon)))
(tset vals "ID" (f:sub 0 -9))
(fn current-user-home []
"Returns current user's home directory."
(-> (posix.unistd.getuid)
(. :pw_dir)))
(fn xdg-data-home []
"Provides XDG_DATA_HOME or its default fallback value"
(local data-home (os.getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME"))
(if data-home
(path.concat (current-user-home) ".local/share/")))
(fn xdg-data-dirs []
"Provides all data-dirs as a List. Most important first."
;; Expected to be used with gmatch as a generator.
(let [dirs (List)]
(dirs:append (xdg-data-home))
(dirs:extend (stringx.split (os.getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS") ":"))
(fn all-apps []
;; Each desktop entry representing an application is identified
;; by its desktop file ID, which is based on its filename.
;; —
"Provides apps in a List, sorted by name"
(var apps-table {})
(each [path (string.gmatch (os.getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS") "[^:]*")]
(let [apps (.. path "/applications/")]
(when (lfs.attributes apps)
(each [f (lfs.dir apps)]
;; Reversing the data dirs gives priority to the first elements.
;; This means conflicting `.desktop` files (or: desktop file ID) are given
;; priority to the first elements by "simply" reading it last.
(each [path (List.iter (List.reverse (xdg-data-dirs)))]
(let [apps-dir (.. path "/applications/")]
(when (lfs.attributes apps-dir)
(each [f (lfs.dir apps-dir)]
(when (= (f:sub -8) ".desktop")
(let [attrs (read-desktop-file (.. apps f))]
(let [attrs (read-desktop-file (.. apps-dir f))]
(when (not attrs.NoDisplay)
(tset apps-table attrs.Name attrs))))))))
(tset apps-table attrs.ID attrs))))))))
;; We have a table indexed by IDs, we don't care about the indexing.
;; Make a List and sort it by name.
(List.sort (List (tablex.values apps-table))
(fn [a b] (< (string.upper a.Name) (string.upper b.Name)))))
;; Exec entries in desktop files may contain %u %f and other characters
;; in which the launcher is supposed to interpolate filenames/urls etc.
@ -234,7 +275,7 @@
:homogeneous true
scrolled-window (Gtk.ScrolledWindow {})]
(each [_ app (pairs (all-apps))]
(each [app (List.iter (all-apps))]
(grid:insert (button-for app) -1))
(scrolled-window:add grid)
(window:add scrolled-window))