explain how to start eufon on ssh connection

Daniel Barlow 2022-08-14 14:45:41 +00:00
parent a19eb2c8de
commit c485e59c3a
2 changed files with 14 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -21,23 +21,24 @@ repo is basically in an advanced state of brokenness_
## Running the shell/apps locally
Eufon is intendfed for phones, but you may prefer to develop on a
desktop device of some kind, especially if you're changing C code and
have that edit/compile run cycle to go round. You can start the shell
locally with
$ nix-shell
nix-shell$ kiwmi -c init.lua
$ nix-shell --run "kiwmi -c init.lua"
This works on desktop or on mobile - Kiwmi is built on wlroots, which
will open a window on your existing Wayland or X11 desktop if you're
running one.
`shell.nix` sets `LUA_PATH` and `LUA_CPATH` settings appropriately -
if you want to write a real derivation (I'll get to it eventually)
you'll need to sort that out yourself. Nix generates a wrapper script
for the Lua interpreter itself, but it doesn't do the same for kiwmi.
If you're connected over ssh and want to run Kiwmi on the console,
further contortions are required as you don't have the permissions
by default: run this before attempting to start Kiwmi
nix-shell -p seatd --run "sudo -b seatd -u $USER"
## Connecting to the repl
If you are using the example rc.fnl, it opens a Unix socket to which
you can connect to interact with a Fennel REPL. The `eufonctl`
script is a wrapper around [socat](http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat/)
By default Eufon opens a Unix socket to which you can connect to
interact with a Fennel REPL. The `eufonctl` script is a wrapper around

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@ -5,11 +5,6 @@ in (p.overrideAttrs (o:{
shellHook = ''
export LUA_PATH=`lua -e 'print(package.path)'`
export LUA_CPATH=`lua -e 'print(package.cpath)'`
# this is a shell function mostly so that I can comment it out
# to experiment with starting sway or tinywl or something else
# to see how they behave if kiwmi is being weird
kiwmi -V -V -c init.lua;
export EUFON_PATH=`pwd`
})).override { debug = true; }