(local lfs (require :lfs)) (local inifile (require :inifile)) (local inspect (require :inspect)) (local posix (require :posix)) (local lgi (require :lgi)) (local Gtk lgi.Gtk) (local Pango lgi.Pango) (local icon-theme (Gtk.IconTheme.get_default)) (fn find-icon [name] (var found false) (if (= (name.sub 1 1) "/") (Gtk.Image.new_from_file name) (let [sizes (icon-theme:get_icon_sizes name)] (each [_ res (pairs [64 48]) :until found] (set found (icon-theme:load_icon name res (+ Gtk.IconLookupFlags.FORCE_SVG Gtk.IconLookupFlags.USE_BUILTIN)))) (Gtk.Image.new_from_pixbuf found)))) (fn read-desktop-file [f] (let [parsed (inifile.parse f) vals (. parsed "Desktop Entry")] (when vals.Icon (tset vals "IconImage" (find-icon vals.Icon))) vals)) (fn all-apps [] (var apps-table []) ;; for i in ${XDG_DATA_DIRS//:/ /} ; do ls $i/applications/*.desktop ;done (each [path (string.gmatch (os.getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS") "[^:]*")] (let [apps (.. path "/applications/")] (when (lfs.attributes apps) (each [f (lfs.dir apps)] (when (= (f:sub -8) ".desktop") (let [attrs (read-desktop-file (.. apps f))] (when (not attrs.NoDisplay) (table.insert apps-table attrs)))))))) apps-table) ;; Exec entries in desktop files may contain %u %f and other characters ;; in which the launcheris supposed to interpolate filenames/urls etc. ;; We don't (fn parse-percents [str] (str:gsub "%%(.)" (fn [c] (if (= c "%") "%" "")))) (fn spawn-async [vec] (let [pid (posix.unistd.fork)] (if (> pid 0) true (< pid 0) (assert (= "can't spawn" nil)) (posix.spawn vec)))) (fn launch [app] ; (print (if app.DBusActivatable "dbus" "not dbus")) (let [cmd (parse-percents app.Exec)] (if app.Terminal (spawn-async ["/usr/bin/env" "kitty" cmd]) (spawn-async ["/usr/bin/env" "sh" "-c" cmd])) (os.exit))) (fn button-for [app] (doto (Gtk.Button { :label app.Name :image-position Gtk.PositionType.TOP :relief Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE :on_clicked #(launch app) }) (: :set_image app.IconImage))) (let [grid (Gtk.Grid { ; :orientation "vertical" :column_spacing 8 :row_spacing 8 }) scrolled-window (Gtk.ScrolledWindow {}) window (Gtk.Window { :title "Saturn V" :default_width 720 :default_height 800 })] (each [i app (ipairs (all-apps))] (let [x (% (- i 1) 8) y (// (- i 1) 8)] (grid:attach (button-for app) x y 1 1))) (scrolled-window:add grid) (window:add scrolled-window) (window:show_all)) (Gtk:main)