(local {: bar : indicator : stylesheet : run} (require :blinkenlicht)) (local {: view} (require :fennel)) (local iostream (require :iostream)) (local metric (require :metric)) (local uplink (require :uplink)) (local modem (require :modem)) (stylesheet "licht.css") (fn battery-icon-codepoint [status percent] (if (= status "Charging") 0xf0e7 (> percent 90) 0xf240 ;full (> percent 60) 0xf241 ;3/4 (> percent 40) 0xf242 ;1/2 (> percent 15) 0xf243 ;1/4 (>= percent 0) 0xf244 ;empty ; 0xf377 ; glyph not present in font-awesome free )) (fn spawn [] true) (bar { :anchor [:top :right] :orientation :horizontal :classes ["hey"] :indicators [ (let [] (var previous 0) ;; on my laptop, adding this indicator has made the task ;; go from ~ 1% cpu to around 3%, which is not ideal (indicator { :wait-for { :interval (* 1 500) } :refresh #(let [current (. (metric.cpustat) :iowait) delta (- current previous) v (if (> delta 4) "" " ")] (set previous current) {:text v}) })) (let [modem (modem.new)] (indicator { :wait-for { :interval (* 4 1000) } :refresh #(let [{:m3gpp-operator-name operator :signal-quality quality} (modem:value)] {:text (.. operator ;" " (. quality 1) "dBm" ) }) })) (let [uplink (uplink.new) input (iostream.from-descriptor uplink.fd)] (indicator { :wait-for { :input [input] :interval (* 4 1000) } :refresh #(let [status (uplink:status)] (if status {:text (.. (or status.ssid status.name "?") " " (if status.quality (tostring (+ status.quality 100)) ""))} {:text "no internet"} )) })) (let [f (iostream.open "/tmp/statuspipe" :r)] (indicator { ;; this is a guide to tell blinkenlicht when it might ;; be worth calling your `content` function. Your ;; function may be called at other times too :wait-for { :input [f] } ;; the `content` function should not block, so e.g ;; don't read from files unless you know there's data ;; available. it returns a hash ;; { :text "foo" } - render "foo" as a label ;; { :icon "face-sad" } - render icon from theme or pathname ;; { :classes ["foo" "bar"] - add CSS classes to widget :refresh #(let [l (f:read 1024)] (if l {:text l})) })) (indicator { :wait-for { :interval 2000 } :refresh #{:icon (if (> (metric.loadavg) 2) "face-sad" "face-smile")} }) (indicator { :wait-for { :interval (* 1000 10) } :refresh #(let [{:power-supply-energy-full full :power-supply-energy-now now :power-supply-status status} (metric.battery) percent (math.floor (* 100 (/ (tonumber now) (tonumber full)))) icon-code (battery-icon-codepoint status percent)] {:text (string.format "%s %d%%" (utf8.char icon-code) percent) :classes ["yellow"] }) }) (indicator { :wait-for { :interval 1000 } :refresh #{:text (os.date "%H:%M:%S")} }) (indicator { :wait-for { :interval 4000 } :refresh #{:text (os.date "%H:%M:%S")} }) ]}) (run)