
2.8 KiB


Broken, not ready for use

euphony: noun Harmonious arrangement of sounds in composition; a smooth and agreeable combination of articulate elements in any piece of writing.

A mostly Fennel-based graphical environment tailored for Linux-based mobile devices. The principles we aspire to are

  • "habitable software" - build the system in such a way that a technically competent user may change it to serve their needs, potentially even in ways that weren't anticipated in the original design. Emacs has this quality.

  • optimised for touchscreens. My phone has no hardware keyboard and few hardware buttons, let's play to its strengths instead of compensating for its weaknesses

As of 2022 these principles are more aspirational than actual. This repo is basically in an advanced state of brokenness

Running the shell/apps locally

Eufon is intendfed for phones, but you may prefer to develop on a desktop device of some kind, especially if you're changing C code and have that edit/compile run cycle to go round. You can start the shell locally with

 $ nix-shell --run "kiwmi -c init.lua"

shell.nix sets LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH settings appropriately - if you want to write a real derivation (I'll get to it eventually) you'll need to sort that out yourself. Nix generates a wrapper script for the Lua interpreter itself, but it doesn't do the same for kiwmi.

Connecting to the repl

If you are using the example rc.fnl, it opens a Unix socket to which you can connect to interact with a Fennel REPL. The eufonctl script is a wrapper around socat


Building for a device

Eufon can be installed as a Mobile NixOS module, by adding module.nix to the imports in your configuration.nix. For example, on my development phone I have

  imports = [
    (import <mobile-nixos/lib/configuration.nix> {
      device = "motorola-potter";

Instructions for using Mobile NixOS are currently outside the scope of this README.



  • notifications (crier)
  • web browser (just)
  • keyboard
  • wifi network chooser
  • settings: toggle network interfaces, change volume & screen brightness


  • better window management

  • some way to add launcher shortcuts for Fennel functions

  • hook up system to session bus, to handle incoming calls

  • kiwmi: support reloading config or otherwise making live changes

  • why are overlay windows overlapping regular view?

  • screen lock