firewall: use extraText for zone set contents

* the lua necessary is quite wordy, but it's less of a hack than
post-processing the rules file with pseudo-sed to get rid of `elements
= { }` lines

* also switch from stop/starting the firewall service to using a
signal, so that we don't go briefly offline every time a new interface
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Barlow 2025-03-09 20:42:02 +00:00
parent d4e46dbe28
commit c6918fec00
2 changed files with 49 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let
inherit (lib.attrsets) mapAttrs' nameValuePair mapAttrsToList;
inherit (lib.strings) concatStringsSep;
inherit (lib.lists) flatten;
inherit (builtins) concatLists attrValues;
inherit (builtins) concatLists toJSON attrValues;
inherit (liminix) outputRef;
mkSet =
family: name:
@ -29,11 +29,25 @@ let
kind = "set";
inherit name family;
type = "ifname";
elements = map (s: "{{ output(${builtins.toJSON s}, \"ifname\", \"\") }}") zones.${name};
extraText = ''
local services = { ${concatStringsSep ", " (map toJSON zones.${name})} }
local ifnames = {}
for _, v in ipairs(services) do
local o = output(v, "ifname")
if o then table.insert(ifnames, o) end
if (#ifnames > 0) then
return "elements = { " .. table.concat(ifnames, ", ") .. " }\n"
return ""
sets = (mapAttrs' (n: _: mkSet "ip" n) zones) //
(mapAttrs' (n: _: mkSet "ip6" n) zones);
allRules = lib.recursiveUpdate extraRules (lib.recursiveUpdate (builtins.trace sets sets) rules);
allRules = lib.recursiveUpdate extraRules (lib.recursiveUpdate sets rules);
script = firewallgen "firewall1.nft" allRules;
ifwatch = writeFennel "ifwatch" {
packages = [
@ -48,19 +62,25 @@ let
service = longrun {
inherit name;
run = ''
mkdir -p /run/${name}; in_outputs ${name}
# exec > /dev/console 2>&1
echo RESTARTING FIREWALL >/dev/console
${output-template}/bin/output-template '{{' '}}' < ${script} | lua -e 'for x in io.lines() do if not string.match(x, "elements = {%s+}") then print(x) end; end' > /run/${name}/fw.nft
# cat /run/${name}/fw.nft > /dev/console
nft -f /run/${name}/fw.nft
while sleep 86400 ; do : ; done
reload() {
echo reloading firewall
${output-template}/bin/output-template '{{' '}}' < ${script} > /run/${name}/fw.nft;
nft -f /run/${name}/fw.nft ;
trap reload SIGUSR1
mkdir -p /run/${name}; in_outputs ${name}
while :; do
# signals sent to ash won't interrupt sleep, but will interrupt wait
sleep 86400 & wait
finish = "${nftables}/bin/nft flush ruleset";
svc.secrets.subscriber.build {
action = "usr1";
watch =
(mapAttrsToList (_zone : services : map (s: outputRef s "ifname") services) zones);

View File

@ -8,29 +8,39 @@ send "PS1=\$(echo 'I1JFQURZIyA=' | base64 -d); stty -echo\n"
expect "#READY#"
set EXIT "1"
while { $FINISHED < 10 } {
while { $FINISHED < 20 } {
send "ip address show dev ppp0 | grep ppp0\n"
expect {
"" { set FINISHED 20; set EXIT 0; }
"" { set FINISHED 200; set EXIT 0; }
"can't find device" { send_user "waiting ..." ; sleep 3 }
"DOWN" { send_user "waiting ..." ; sleep 3 }
set FINISHED [ expr $FINISHED + 1 ]
expect "#READY#"
send "nft list set ip table-ip wan || touch /non/existent\n"
expect {
"ppp0" { puts "ppp0 found " }
"{ }" { puts "missing ifname"; exit 1 }
"No such file or directory" { exit 1 }
send "s6-svwait -U /run/service/wan.link.pppoe\n"
expect "#READY#"
set timeout 30
send "nft list set ip table-ip lan || touch /non/existent\n"
expect {
"lan" { puts "lan found" }
"{ }" { puts "missing ifname"; exit 1 }
"No such file or directory" { exit 1 }
expect "#READY#"
# if the test fails for no apparent reason, it is quite likely because
# the firewall hasn't had time to reload after the new interface
# appears and you just have to make this sleep longer. Ew, yes
send "sleep 10; nft list set ip table-ip wan || touch /non/existent\n"
expect {
"ppp0" { puts "ppp0 found " }
"{ }" { puts "missing ifname"; exit 1 }
"No such file or directory" { exit 1 }
timeout { exit 1 }
expect "#READY#"
exit $EXIT