{ config, pkgs, lib, lim, ... }: let inherit (pkgs) execline s6 s6-init-bin s6-linux-init stdenvNoCC; inherit (lib.lists) unique concatMap; inherit (pkgs.pseudofile) dir symlink; inherit (pkgs.liminix.services) oneshot bundle longrun; inherit (lib) mkIf mkEnableOption mkOption types; cfg = config.logging; s6-rc-db = let # In the default bundle we need to have all the services # in config.services except for controlled services and # anything that depends on one. But we do need the controllers # themselves. # So, find all required services and their transitive # dependencies and their controllers. remove all controlled # services and all services that have a controlled service as # dependency isControlled = s : s ? controller && s.controller != null; deps = s : s.dependencies ++ lib.optional (isControlled s) s.controller; flatDeps = s : [s] ++ concatMap flatDeps (deps s); allServices = unique (concatMap flatDeps (builtins.attrValues config.services)); isDependentOnControlled = s : isControlled s || (lib.lists.any isDependentOnControlled s.dependencies); # all controlled services depend on this oneshot, which # makes a list of them so we can identify them at runtime controlled = oneshot { name = "controlled"; up = '' mkdir -p /run/services/controlled for s in $(s6-rc-db -d dependencies controlled); do touch /run/services/controlled/$s done ''; down = "rm -r /run/services/controlled"; }; defaultStart = builtins.filter (s: !(isDependentOnControlled s)) allServices; defaultDefaultTarget = bundle { name = "default"; contents = defaultStart ++ [controlled]; }; servicesAttrs = { default = defaultDefaultTarget; } // config.services; in pkgs.s6-rc-database.override { services = builtins.attrValues servicesAttrs; }; s6-init-scripts = stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation { name = "s6-scripts"; src = ./scripts; phases = ["unpackPhase" "installPhase" ]; buildInputs = []; installPhase = '' mkdir $out cp -r $src $out/scripts chmod -R +w $out ''; }; service = dir { s6-linux-init-runleveld = dir { notification-fd = { file = "3"; }; run = { file = '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P ${execline}/bin/fdmove -c 2 1 ${execline}/bin/fdmove 1 3 ${s6}/bin/s6-ipcserver -1 -a 0700 -c 1 -- s ${s6}/bin/s6-sudod -dt30000 -- "/etc/s6-linux-init/current"/scripts/runlevel ''; mode = "0755"; }; }; s6-linux-init-shutdownd = dir { fifo = { type = "i"; mode = "0600"; }; run = { file = '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P importas PATH PATH export PATH ${s6}/bin:''${PATH} foreground { echo path is ''${PATH} } ${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-shutdownd -c "/etc/s6-linux-init/current" -g 3000 ''; mode = "0755"; }; }; s6-svscan-log = dir { fifo = { type = "i"; mode = "0600"; }; notification-fd = { file = "3"; }; run = { file = '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P ${execline}/bin/redirfd -w 1 /dev/null ${execline}/bin/redirfd -rnb 0 fifo ${if cfg.shipping.enable then '' pipeline { ${s6}/bin/s6-log -bpd3 -- ${cfg.script} 1 } pipeline { ${pkgs.logshipper}/bin/logtap ${cfg.shipping.socket} logshipper-socket-event } ${s6}/bin/s6-log -- ${cfg.directory} '' else '' ${s6}/bin/s6-log -bpd3 -- ${cfg.script} ${cfg.directory} ''} ''; mode = "0755"; }; }; getty = dir { run = { # We can't run a useful shell on /dev/console because # /dev/console is not allowed to be the controlling # tty of any process, which means ^C ^Z etc don't work. # So we work out what the *actual* console device is # using sysfs and open our shell there instead. file = '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P ${execline}/bin/cd / redirfd -r 0 /sys/devices/virtual/tty/console/active withstdinas CONSOLETTY importas CONSOLETTY CONSOLETTY redirfd -w 2 /dev/''${CONSOLETTY} fdmove -c 1 2 redirfd -r 0 /dev/''${CONSOLETTY} /bin/ash -l ''; mode = "0755"; }; down-signal = { file = "HUP\n"; }; }; ".s6-svscan" = let openConsole = '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P ${execline}/bin/redirfd -w 2 /dev/console ${execline}/bin/fdmove -c 1 2 ''; quit = message: '' ${openConsole} ${execline}/bin/foreground { ${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-echo -- ${message} } ${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-hpr -fr ''; shutdown = action: '' #!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P ${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-shutdown -a #{action} -- now ''; empty = "#!${execline}/bin/execlineb -P\n"; in dir { crash = { file = quit "s6-svscan crashed. Rebooting."; mode = "0755"; }; finish = { file = '' ${openConsole} ifelse { test -x /run/maintenance/exec } { /run/maintenance/exec } foreground { echo "s6-svscan exited. Rebooting." } wait { } ${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-hpr -fr ''; mode = "0755"; }; SIGINT = { file = shutdown "-r"; mode = "0755"; }; SIGPWR = { file = shutdown "-p"; mode = "0755"; }; SIGQUIT = { file = empty; mode = "0755"; }; SIGTERM = { file = empty; mode = "0755"; }; SIGUSR1 = { file = shutdown "-p"; mode = "0755"; }; SIGUSR2 = { file = shutdown "-h"; mode = "0755"; }; SIGWINCH = { file = empty; mode = "0755"; }; }; }; in { options = { logging = { shipping = { enable = mkEnableOption "unix socket for log shipping"; socket = mkOption { description = "socket pathname"; type = types.path; default = "/run/.log-shipping.sock"; }; service = mkOption { description = "log shipper service"; type = pkgs.liminix.lib.types.service; }; }; script = mkOption { description = "\"log script\" used by fallback s6-log process"; type = types.str; default = "p${config.hostname} t"; }; directory = mkOption { description = "default log directory"; default = "/run/log"; type = types.path; }; }; }; imports = [ ( {config, pkgs, lib, ...}: let cfg = config.logging; pipeline = shipper: bundle { name = "log-shipping-pipe"; contents = let eat = longrun { name = "log-shipping-pipe-eat"; run = '' fdmove -c 12 1 \ ${pkgs.s6}/bin/s6-ipcserver ${cfg.shipping.socket} \ fdmove -c 1 12 \ cat ''; producer-for = spew.name; }; spew = shipper.override { consumer-for ="log-shipping-pipe-eat"; }; in [ eat spew ]; }; in mkIf cfg.shipping.enable { services.${cfg.shipping.service.name} = pipeline cfg.shipping.service; } )]; config = { filesystem = dir { etc = dir { s6-rc = dir { compiled = symlink "${s6-rc-db}/compiled"; }; s6-linux-init = dir { current = dir { scripts = symlink "${s6-init-scripts}/scripts"; env = dir {}; run-image = dir { uncaught-logs = (dir {}) // {mode = "2750";}; inherit service; }; }; }; }; bin = dir { init = symlink "${s6-init-bin}/bin/init"; }; }; }; }