let img = (import { device = import ; liminix-config = ; }).outputs.rootfs; pkgs = import {}; in pkgs.runCommand "check" { nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ squashfsTools s6-rc ] ; } '' destpath=$(mktemp -d)/smoke.img echo $destpath cleanup(){ test -n $destpath && test -d $destpath && chmod -R +w $destpath && rm -rf $destpath; } trap cleanup EXIT trap 'echo "command $(eval echo $BASH_COMMAND) failed with exit code $?"; exit $?' ERR unsquashfs -q -d $destpath -excludes ${img} /dev cd $destpath; db=nix/store/*-s6-rc-database/compiled/ test -d $db chmod -R +w $db # check we have closure of config.services (lo.link service exists only # as a dependency) test "$(s6-rc-db -c $db type lo.link)" = "oneshot" test "$(s6-rc-db -c $db type ntp)" = "longrun" echo OK > $out ''