(local netlink (require :netlink)) (local sock (netlink.socket)) (when (< (# arg) 2) (print "usage: waitup ifname fd") (os.exit 1)) (local ifname (. arg 1)) (local fd (tonumber (. arg 2))) (local stream (io.open (.. "/proc/self/fd/" fd) "w")) (fn notify-ready [] (stream:write "\n") (print (.. (. arg 0) ": received netlink operstate up for " ifname)) (stream:close)) (fn run-events [evs] (each [_ v (ipairs evs)] (print :event v.event v.name) (match v ;; - up: Reflects the administrative state of the interface (IFF_UP) ;; - running: Reflects the operational state (IFF_RUNNING). {:event "newlink" :name ifname :up :yes :running :yes} (notify-ready) {:event "newlink" :name ifname :up :no} (os.exit 0)))) (run-events (sock:query {:link true})) (print (.. (. arg 0) ": waiting for netlink NEWLINK " ifname)) (while (sock:poll) (let [ev (sock:event)] (run-events ev)))