final: prev: let isCross = final.stdenv.buildPlatform != final.stdenv.hostPlatform; crossOnly = pkg : amendFn : if isCross then (amendFn pkg) else pkg; extraPkgs = import ./pkgs/default.nix { inherit (final) lib callPackage; }; inherit (final) fetchpatch; luaHost = let l = prev.lua5_3.overrideAttrs(o: { name = "lua-tty"; preBuild = '' makeFlagsArray+=(PLAT="posix" SYSLIBS="-Wl,-E -ldl" CFLAGS="-O2 -fPIC -DLUA_USE_POSIX -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN") ''; # lua in nixpkgs has a postInstall stanza that assumes only # one output, we need to override that if we're going to # convert to multi-output # outputs = ["bin" "man" "out"]; makeFlags = builtins.filter (x: (builtins.match "(PLAT|MYLIBS).*" x) == null) o.makeFlags; }); in l.override { self = l; }; s6 = prev.s6.overrideAttrs(o: let patch = fetchpatch { # add "p" directive in s6-log url = ""; hash = "sha256-fBtUinBdp5GqoxgF6fcR44Tu8hakxs/rOShhuZOgokc="; }; patch_needed = builtins.compareVersions o.version "" <= 0; in { configureFlags = (builtins.filter (x: (builtins.match ".*shared.*" x) == null) o.configureFlags) ++ [ "--disable-allstatic" "--disable-static" "--enable-shared" ]; hardeningDisable = ["all"]; stripAllList = [ "sbin" "bin" ]; patches = (if o ? patches then o.patches else []) ++ (if patch_needed then [ patch ] else []); }); in extraPkgs // { # liminix library functions lim = { parseInt = s: (builtins.fromTOML "r=${s}").r; orEmpty = x: if x != null then x else []; }; # keep these alphabetical btrfs-progs = crossOnly prev.btrfs-progs ( d: d.override { udevSupport = false; udev = null; } ); chrony = let chrony' = prev.chrony.overrideAttrs(o: { configureFlags = [ "--chronyvardir=$(out)/var/lib/chrony" "--disable-readline" "--disable-editline" ]; }); in chrony'.override { gnutls = null; nss = null; nspr = null; readline = null; libedit = null; libseccomp = null; # should texinfo be in nativeBuildInputs instead of # buildInputs? texinfo = null; }; # clevis without luks/tpm clevis = crossOnly prev.clevis (d: let c = d.overrideAttrs(o: { outputs = ["out"]; preConfigure = '' rm -rf src/luks sed -i -e '/luks/d' src/ ''; }); in c.override { asciidoc = null; cryptsetup = null; luksmeta = null; tpm2-tools = null; }); # luarocks wants a cross-compiled cmake (which seems like a bug, # we're never going to run luarocks on the device, but ...) # but # so we do surgery on the cmake derivation until that's fixed cmake = crossOnly prev.cmake (d: d.overrideAttrs(o: { preConfigure = builtins.replaceStrings ["$configureFlags"] ["$configureFlags $cmakeFlags"] o.preConfigure; } )); dnsmasq = let d = prev.dnsmasq.overrideAttrs(o: { preBuild = '' makeFlagsArray=("COPTS=") ''; }); in d.override { dbusSupport = false; nettle = null; }; dropbear = crossOnly prev.dropbear (d: d.overrideAttrs (o: rec { version = "2024.85"; src = final.fetchurl { url = "${version}.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "sha256-hrA2xDOmnYnOUeuuM11lxHc4zPkNE+XrD+qDLlVtpQI="; }; patches = # need to update nixpkgs patch for new version of dropbear let passPath = final.runCommand "pass-path" {} '' sed < ${builtins.head o.patches} -e 's,svr-chansession.c,src/svr-chansession.c,g' > $out ''; in [ passPath ./pkgs/dropbear/add-authkeyfile-option.patch ]; postPatch = '' (echo '#define DSS_PRIV_FILENAME "/run/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key"' echo '#define RSA_PRIV_FILENAME "/run/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key"' echo '#define ECDSA_PRIV_FILENAME "/run/dropbear/dropbear_ecdsa_host_key"' echo '#define ED25519_PRIV_FILENAME "/run/dropbear/dropbear_ed25519_host_key"') > localoptions.h ''; })); elfutils = crossOnly prev.elfutils (d: let e = d.overrideAttrs(o: { configureFlags = o.configureFlags ++[ "ac_cv_has_stdatomic=no" ]; }); in e.override { enableDebuginfod = false; }); hostapd = let config = [ "CONFIG_DRIVER_NL80211=y" "CONFIG_IAPP=y" "CONFIG_IEEE80211AC=y" "CONFIG_IEEE80211AX=y" "CONFIG_IEEE80211N=y" "CONFIG_IEEE80211W=y" "CONFIG_INTERNAL_LIBTOMMATH=y" "CONFIG_INTERNAL_LIBTOMMATH_FAST=y" "CONFIG_IPV6=y" "CONFIG_LIBNL32=y" "CONFIG_PKCS12=y" "CONFIG_RSN_PREAUTH=y" "CONFIG_TLS=internal" ]; h = prev.hostapd.overrideAttrs(o: { extraConfig = ""; configurePhase = '' cat > hostapd/defconfig <