{ lib, pkgs, config, ...}: let inherit (lib) mkOption mkEnableOption types mapAttrsToList; inherit (pkgs.pseudofile) dir symlink; inherit (lib.strings) toUpper; attrs = { options, applets } : let extraOptions = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (n: v: "CONFIG_${toUpper n} ${toString v}") options); appletOptions = builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (n: "CONFIG_${toUpper n} y") applets); in { enableMinimal = true; extraConfig = '' ${extraOptions} ${appletOptions} ''; }; cfg = config.programs.busybox; busybox = pkgs.busybox.override (attrs { inherit (cfg) applets options; }); makeLinks = lib.attrsets.genAttrs cfg.applets (a: symlink "${busybox}/bin/busybox"); minimalApplets = [ # this is probably less minimal than it could be "arch" "ash" "base64" "basename" "bc" "brctl" "bunzip2" "bzcat" "bzip2" "cal" "cat" "chattr" "chgrp" "chmod" "chown" "chpst" "chroot" "clear" "cmp" "comm" "cp" "cpio" "cut" "date" "dd" "df" "dirname" "dmesg" "du" "echo" "egrep" "env" "expand" "expr" "false" "fdisk" "fgrep" "find" "free" "fuser" "grep" "gunzip" "gzip" "head" "hexdump" "hostname" "hwclock" "ifconfig" "ip" "ipaddr" "iplink" "ipneigh" "iproute" "iprule" "kill" "killall" "killall5" "less" "ln" "ls" "lsattr" "lsof" "md5sum" "mkdir" "mknod" "mktemp" "mount" "mv" "nc" "netstat" "nohup" "od" "pgrep" "pidof" "ping" "ping6" "pkill" "pmap" "printenv" "printf" "ps" "pwd" "readlink" "realpath" "reset" "rm" "rmdir" "route" "sed" "seq" "setsid" "sha1sum" "sha256sum" "sha512sum" "sleep" "sort" "stat" "strings" "stty" "su" "sum" "swapoff" "swapon" "sync" "tail" "tee" "test" "time" "touch" "tr" "traceroute" "traceroute6" "true" "truncate" "tty" "udhcpc" "umount" "uname" "unexpand" "uniq" "unlink" "unlzma" "unxz" "unzip" "uptime" "watch" "wc" "whoami" "xargs" "xxd" "xz" "xzcat" "yes" "zcat" ]; in { options = { programs.busybox = { applets = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; example = ["sh" "getty" "login"]; }; options = mkOption { # mostly the values are y n or m, but sometimes # other strings are also used type = types.attrsOf types.nonEmptyStr; default = { }; }; }; }; config = { programs.busybox = { applets = minimalApplets; options = { ASH_ECHO = "y"; # ASH_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE = "y"; BASH_IS_NONE = "y"; SH_IS_ASH = "y"; ASH_BASH_COMPAT = "y"; FEATURE_EDITING = "y"; # readline-ish command editing FEATURE_EDITING_HISTORY = "128"; FEATURE_EDITING_MAX_LEN = "1024"; FEATURE_TAB_COMPLETION = "y"; FEATURE_EDITING_WINCH = "y"; FEATURE_IPV6 = "y"; }; }; filesystem = dir { bin = dir ({ busybox = symlink "${busybox}/bin/busybox"; sh = symlink "${busybox}/bin/busybox"; } // makeLinks); }; }; }