{ config, pkgs, ... } : let # EDIT: you can pick your preferred RFC1918 address space # for NATted connections, if you don't like this one. ipv4LocalNet = "10.8.0"; svc = config.system.service; in rec { imports = [ ../../modules/bridge ../../modules/dhcp6c ../../modules/dnsmasq ../../modules/firewall ../../modules/hostapd ../../modules/network ../../modules/ssh ../../modules/vlan ../../modules/wlan.nix ]; rootfsType = "jffs2"; hostname = "updown"; services.int = svc.network.address.build { interface = svc.bridge.primary.build { ifname = "int"; }; family = "inet"; address = "${ipv4LocalNet}.1"; prefixLength = 16; }; services.bridge = svc.bridge.members.build { primary = services.int; members = with config.hardware.networkInterfaces; [ lan ]; }; services.sshd = svc.ssh.build { }; # users.root = { # # EDIT: choose a root password and then use # # "mkpasswd -m sha512crypt" to determine the hash. # # It should start wirh $6$. # passwd = "$6$6HG7WALLQQY1LQDE$428cnouMJ7wVmyK9.dF1uWs7t0z9ztgp3MHvN5bbeo0M4Kqg/u2ThjoSHIjCEJQlnVpDOaEKcOjXAlIClHWN21"; # openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ # # EDIT: you can add your ssh pubkey here # # "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1....H6hKd user@example.com"; # ]; # }; defaultProfile.packages = with pkgs; [ min-collect-garbage # strace # ethtool tcpdump ]; }