#!/usr/bin/env sh cleanup(){ if test -e foo.pid && test -d /proc/`cat foo.pid` ; then echo "killing qemu" kill `cat foo.pid` fi } trap cleanup EXIT fatal(){ err=$? echo "FAIL: command $(eval echo $BASH_COMMAND) exited with code $err" exit $err } trap fatal ERR NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM=1 nix-build '' -I liminix-config=./configuration.nix --arg device "import " -A outputs.default $* if ! ( echo "cont" | socat - unix-connect:../support/ppp-server/qemu-monitor); then echo "need pppoe server running" exit 1 fi ../../scripts/run-qemu.sh --background foo.sock result/vmlinux result/squashfs nix-shell -p expect --run "expect getaddress.expect" set -o pipefail response=$(nix-shell -p python3Packages.scapy --run 'python ./test-dhcp-service.py' ) echo "$response" echo "$response" | nix-shell -p jq --run "jq -e 'select((.router == \"\") and (.server_id==\"\"))'"