.. _configuration: Configuration ############# There are many things you can specify in a configuration, but these are the ones you most commonly need to change: * which services (processes) to run * what packages to install * permitted users and groups * Linux kernel configuration options * Busybox applets * filesystem layout Modules ******* **Modules** are a means of abstraction which allow "bundling" of configuration options related to a common purpose or theme. For example, the ``dnsmasq`` module defines a template for a dnsmasq service, ensures that the dnsmasq package is installed, and provides a dnsmasq user and group for the service to run as. The ``ppp`` module defines a service template and also enables various PPP-related kernel configuration. Not all modules are included in the configuration by default, because that would mean that the kernel (and the Busybox binary providing common CLI tools) was compiled with many unnecessary bells and whistles and therefore be bigger than needed. (This is not purely an academic concern if your device has little flash storage). Therefore, specifying a service is usually a two-step process. For example, to add an NTP service you first add :file:`modules/ntp` to your ``imports`` list, then you create a service by calling :code:`config.system.service.ntp.build { .... }` with the appropriate service-dependent configuration parameters. .. code-block:: nix let svc = config.system.service; in { # ... imports = [ ./modules/ntp # .... ]; config.services.ntp = svc.ntp.build { pools = { "pool.ntp.org" = ["iburst"]; }; makestep = { threshold = 1.0; limit = 3; }; }; Merely including the module won't define the service on its own: it only creates the template in ``config.system.service.foo`` and you have to create an actual service using the template. This is an intentional choice to allow the creation of multiple differently-configured services based on the same template - perhaps e.g. when you have multiple networks (VPNs etc) in different trust domains, or you want to run two SSH daemons on different ports. (For the background to this, please refer to the :doc:`architecture decision record `) .. tip:: Liminix modules should be quite familiar (but also different) if you already know how to use NixOS modules. We use the NixOS module infrastructure code, meaning that you should recognise the syntax, the type system, the rules for combining configuration values from different sources. We don't use the NixOS modules themselves, because the underlying system is not similar enough for them to work. .. _configuration-services: Services ******** In Liminix a service is any kind of long-running task or process on the system, that is managed (started, stopped, and monitored) by a service supervisor. A typical SOHO router might have services to * answer DHCP and DNS requests from the LAN * provide a wireless access point * connect using PPPoE or L2TP to an upstream network * start/stop the firewall * enable/disable IP packet forwarding * mount filesystems (Some of these might not be considered services using other definitions of the term: for example, this use of L2TP would be a "client" in the client/server classification; and enabling packet forwarding doesn't require any long-lived process - just a setting to be toggled. However, there is value in being able to use the same abstractions for all the things to manage them and specify their dependency relationships - so in Liminix "everything is a service") Any attribute in `config.services` will become part of the default set of services that s6-rc will try to bring up. Services are usually started at boot time, but **controlled services** are those that are required only in particular contexts. For example, a service to mount a USB backup drive should run only when the drive is attached to the system. Liminix currently implements two kinds of controlled service: * "uevent-rule" service controllers use sysfs/uevent to identify when particular hardware devices are present, and start/stop a controlled service appropriately. * the "round-robin" service controller is used for service failover: it allows you to specify a list of services and runs each of them in turn until it exits, then runs the next. Writing services ================ For the most part, for common use cases, hopefully the services you need will be defined by modules and you will only have to pass the right parameters to ``build``. Should you need to create a custom service of your own devising, use the `oneshot` or `longrun` functions: * a "longrun" service is the "normal" service concept: it has a ``run`` action which describes the process to start, and it watches that process to restart it if it exits. The process should not attempt to daemonize or "background" itself, otherwise s6-rc will think it died. Whatever it prints to standard output/standard error will be logged. .. code-block:: nix config.services.cowsayd = pkgs.liminix.services.longrun { name = "cowsayd"; run = "${pkgs.cowsayd}/bin/cowsayd --port 3001 --breed hereford"; # don't start this until the lan interface is ready dependencies = [ config.services.lan ]; } * a "oneshot" service doesn't have a process attached. It consists of ``up`` and ``down`` actions which are bits of shell script that are run at the appropriate points in the service lifecycle .. code-block:: nix config.services.greenled = pkgs.liminix.services.oneshot { name = "greenled"; up = '' echo 17 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value ''; down = '' echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value ''; } Services may have dependencies: as you see above in the ``cowsayd`` example, it depends on some service called ``config.services.lan``, meaning that it won't be started until that other service is up. .. TODO: explain service outputs .. TODO: outputs that change, and services that poll other services Module implementation ********************* Modules in Liminix conventionally live in :file:`modules/somename/default.nix`. If you want or need to write your own, you may wish to refer to the examples there in conjunction with reading this section. A module is a function that accepts ``{lib, pkgs, config, ... }`` and returns an attrset with keys ``imports, options config``. * ``imports`` is a list of paths to the other modules required by this one * ``options`` is a nested set of option declarations * ``config`` is a nested set of option definitions The NixOS manual section `Writing NixOS Modules `_ is a quite comprehensive reference to writing NixOS modules, which is also mostly applicable to Liminix except that it doesn't cover service templates. Service templates ================= To expose a service template in a module, it needs the following: * an option declaration for ``system.service.myservicename`` with the type of ``liminix.lib.types.serviceDefn`` .. code-block:: nix options = { system.service.cowsay = mkOption { type = liminix.lib.types.serviceDefn; }; }; * an option definition for the same key, which specifies where to import the service template from (often :file:`./service.nix`) and the types of its parameters. .. code-block:: nix config.system.service.cowsay = config.system.callService ./service.nix { address = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; description = "Listen on specified address"; example = ""; }; port = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 22; description = "Listen on specified TCP port"; }; breed = mkOption { type = types.str; default = "British Friesian" description = "Breed of the cow"; }; }; Then you need to provide the service template itself, probably in :file:`./service.nix`: .. code-block:: nix { # any nixpkgs package can be named here liminix , cowsayd , serviceFns , lib }: # these are the parameters declared in the callService invocation { address, port, breed} : let inherit (liminix.services) longrun; inherit (lib.strings) escapeShellArg; in longrun { name = "cowsayd"; run = "${cowsayd}/bin/cowsayd --address ${address} --port ${builtins.toString port} --breed ${escapeShellArg breed}"; } .. tip:: Not relevant to module-based services specifically, but a common gotcha when specifiying services is forgetting to transform "rich" parameter values into text when composing a command for the shell to execute. Note here that the port number, an integer, is stringified with ``toString``, and the name of the breed, which may contain spaces, is escaped with ``escapeShellArg`` Types ===== All of the NixOS module types are available in Liminix. These Liminix-specific types also exist in ``pkgs.liminix.lib.types``: * ``service``: an s6-rc service * ``interface``: an s6-rc service which specifies a network interface * ``serviceDefn``: a service "template" definition In the future it is likely that we will extend this to include other useful types in the networking domain: for example; IP address, network prefix or netmask, protocol family and others as we find them.