(local tftp (require :tftp)) (local { : realpath} (require :posix.stdlib)) (local { : view } (require :fennel)) (local options (match arg ["-a" ip-address dir] { :allow ip-address :base-directory (realpath dir)} [dir] { :allow nil :base-directory (realpath dir)} [] (error "missing command line parameters") )) (print (.. "TFTP serving from " options.base-directory)) (fn merge-pathname [directory filename] (if (directory:match "/$") (.. directory filename) (.. directory "/" filename))) (-> (tftp:listen (fn [file host port] (if (or (not options.allow) (= host options.allow)) (let [pathname (merge-pathname options.base-directory file) f (io.open pathname "rb") size (f:seek "end")] (f:seek "set" 0) (var eof? false) (values (fn handler [reqlen] (let [bytes (f:read reqlen)] (if eof? false bytes (values true bytes) (do ;; if the file length is divisible by the block ;; length, need to send an empty block at eof (set eof? true) (values true ""))))) size)) (error "host not allowed"))) nil ["*"] 69) (os.exit))