(local { : view } (require :fennel)) (import-macros { : expect= } :anoia.assert) (fn parse-uevent [s] (let [(nl nxt) (string.find s "\0" 1 true)] (doto (collect [k v (string.gmatch (string.sub s (+ 1 nxt)) "(%g-)=(%g+)")] (k:lower) v) (tset :path (string.sub s 1 (- nl 1)))))) (fn event-matches? [e terms] (accumulate [match? true name value (pairs terms)] (and match? (= value (. e name))))) (fn find-in-database [db terms] (accumulate [found [] _ e (pairs db)] (if (event-matches? e terms) (doto found (table.insert e)) found))) (fn database [] (let [db {}] { :find (fn [_ terms] (find-in-database db terms)) :add (fn [_ event-string] (let [e (parse-uevent event-string)] (tset db e.path e))) })) (var failed false) (fn fail [d msg] (set failed true) (print :FAIL d (.. "\n" msg))) (macro example [description & body] `(let [(ok?# err#) (xpcall (fn [] ,body) debug.traceback)] (if ok?# (print :PASS ,description) (fail ,description err#)))) (example "given an empty database, searching it finds no entries" (let [db (database)] (expect= (db:find {:partname "boot"}) []))) (local sda-uevent "add@/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda\0ACTION=add DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.0/usb1/1-1/1-1:1.0/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda SUBSYSTEM=block MAJOR=8 MINOR=0 DEVNAME=sda DEVTYPE=disk DISKSEQ=2 SEQNUM=1527") (example "when I add a device, I can find it" (let [db (database)] (db:add sda-uevent) (let [[m & more] (db:find {:devname "sda"})] (expect= m.devname "sda") (expect= m.major "8") (expect= more [])))) (example "when I add a device, I cannot find it with wrong terms" (let [db (database)] (db:add sda-uevent) (expect= (db:find {:devname "sdb"}) []))) (example "when I search on multiple terms it uses all of them" (let [db (database)] (db:add sda-uevent) (expect= (# (db:find {:devname "sda" :devtype "disk"})) 1) (expect= (# (db:find {:devname "sda" :devtype "dosk"})) 0))) (if failed (os.exit 1) (print "OK"))