(local { : view } (require :fennel)) (local { : merge : any } (require :lume)) (fn wrap-longitude [x] (if (<= x -180) (wrap-longitude (+ x 360)) (< 180 x) (wrap-longitude (- x 360)) x)) (fn at-obstacle? [{: x : y : obstacles}] (any obstacles (fn [[ox oy]] (and (= ox x) (= oy y))))) (fn lateral? [direction] (. {:w true :e true} direction)) (fn try-to-drive [{: x : y : direction} distance] (let [distance (if (lateral? direction) (/ distance (math.cos (/ (* math.pi y) 180))) distance)] (match direction :n {:y (+ y distance)} :s {:y (- y distance)} :w {:x (wrap-longitude (- x distance))} :e {:x (wrap-longitude (+ x distance))}))) (fn drive [r distance] (if r.stopped r (let [next-move (merge r (try-to-drive r distance))] (if (at-obstacle? next-move) (merge r {:stopped [next-move.x next-move.y]}) next-move)))) (fn turn-left [{: x : y : direction}] (if (= y 90) {:x (wrap-longitude (- x 90))} {:direction (-> { :n :w :w :s :s :e :e :n } (. direction))})) (fn turn-right [{: x : y : direction}] (if (= y 90) {:x (wrap-longitude (+ x 90))} {:direction (-> { :n :e :e :s :s :w :w :n } (. direction))})) (fn command [rover string] (merge rover (match string :f (drive rover 1) :b (drive rover -1) :r (turn-right rover) :l (turn-left rover) _ (assert false (. "unrecognised command " string))))) (fn fudge-for-pole [{: y &as r}] (if (= y 90) (merge r {:direction :s}) (= y -90) (merge r {:direction :n}) r)) (fn execute [rover cmds] (accumulate [rover rover _ c (ipairs cmds)] (merge rover (fudge-for-pole (command rover c))))) (fn rover [x y direction ?obstacles] {: x : y : direction :obstacles (or ?obstacles []) }) ;;;; TESTS ;; who needs a test framework when you have lisp macros? (macro expect [text actual expected] `(let [actual# ,actual] (or (match actual# ,expected true) (assert false (view { :text ,text :expected ,(view expected) :actual actual# }))))) (let [r (rover 7 15 :n)] (expect "rover knows (x,y) and the direction (N,S,E,W) it is facing" r {:x 7 :y 15 :direction :n})) (let [r (rover 0 0 :n)] (expect "The rover receives a character array of commands" (execute r [:f :f :f]) {})) (let [r (rover 0 0 :n)] (expect "Moves north when pointing north and asked to move forward" (execute r [:f]) {:x 0 :y 1 :direction :n})) (let [r (rover 3 2 :s)] (expect "Moves south when pointing south and asked to move forward" (execute r [:f]) {:x 3 :y 1 :direction :s})) (let [r (rover 0 0 :w)] (expect "Moves west when pointing west and asked to move forward" (execute r [:f]) {:x -1 :y 0 :direction :w})) (let [r (rover 0 0 :e)] (expect "Moves east when pointing east and asked to move forward" (execute r [:f]) {:x 1 :y 0 :direction :e})) (let [r (rover 1 1 :s)] (expect "The rover acts on multiple commands" (execute r [:f :f :f]) {:x 1 :y -2 :direction :s})) (let [r (rover 3 2 :s)] (expect "Moves north when pointing south and asked to move backward" (execute r [:b]) {:x 3 :y 3 :direction :s})) (let [r (rover 3 0 :e)] (expect "Moves west when pointing east and asked to move backward" (execute r [:b]) {:x 2 :y 0 :direction :e})) (let [r (rover 2 4 :e)] (expect "Rotates to south when pointing east and asked to turn right" (execute r [:r]) {:x 2 :y 4 :direction :s})) (let [r (rover 2 4 :s)] (expect "Rotates to east when pointing south and asked to turn left" (execute r [:l]) {:x 2 :y 4 :direction :e})) (let [r (rover 2 4 :w)] (expect "Rotates to north when pointing west and asked to turn right" (execute r [:r]) {:x 2 :y 4 :direction :n})) (let [r (rover 1 1 :s)] (expect "Multiple commands are executed in the right order" (execute r [:l :l :f :f :f :r :f :b]) {:x 1 :y 4 :direction :e})) ;; Circumference of mars is 3,376.2km (about half that of earth). ;; We choose the unit of distance to be equal to one degree at the equator ;; (about 60km), so if we travel the same linear distance at a higher ;; latitude, we will move be a larger number of degrees (expect "At 60 degrees latitude, one unit of drive is two degrees" (execute (rover 0 60 :e) [:f]) (where {:x x :y 60 :direction :e} (< (math.abs (- x 2)) 0.000001) )) (expect "At 45 degrees latitude, one unit of drive is (sqrt 2) degrees" (execute (rover 0 45 :e) [:f]) (where {:x x } (< (math.abs (- x 1.4141)) 0.001))) (expect "At 45 degrees latitude south, one unit of drive is (sqrt 2) degrees" (execute (rover 0 -45 :e) [:f]) (where {:x x :y -45} (< (math.abs (- x 1.4141)) 0.001))) ;; valid longitudes are -180 .. 180 (expect "Longitude wraps from positive to negative when travelling west" (execute (rover -179 0 :w) [:f :f :f]) {:x 178 :y 0 :direction :w}) (expect "Longitude wraps from negative to positive when travelling east" (execute (rover 179 0 :e) [:f :f :f]) {:x -178 :y 0 :direction :e}) (expect "At the North Pole we always point south" (execute (rover 0 89 :n) [:f]) {:x 0 :y 90 :direction :s}) (expect "At the North Pole, turning left affects x not direction" (execute (rover 0 89 :n) [:f :l]) {:x -90 :y 90 :direction :s}) (expect "At the North Pole, turning right affects x not direction" (execute (rover 0 89 :n) [:f :r]) {:x 90 :y 90 :direction :s}) (expect "It does not move past obstacles" (let [obstacles [[5 5] [7 5]]] (execute (rover 5 3 :n obstacles) [:f :f :f :f :f :f])) {:x 5 :y 4 :direction :n :stopped [5 5]}) ;; "TODO: deal with the south pole special casing" (print "OK")