Fork 0

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, s6-rc
, lib
, busybox
2022-09-22 10:10:41 +00:00
, callPackage
, writeAshScript
} :let
inherit (builtins) concatStringsSep;
longrun = {
, run
, outputs ? []
, notification-fd ? null
, dependencies ? []
} @ args: stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = "${name}.service";
type = "longrun";
buildInputs = dependencies;
dependencies = builtins.map (d: d.name) dependencies;
shell = "${busybox}/bin/sh";
inherit run;
notificationFd = notification-fd;
builder = ./builder.sh;
oneshot = {
, up
, down
, outputs ? []
, dependencies ? []
, ...
} @ args: stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
# stdenvNoCC is to avoid generating derivations with names
# like foo.service-mips-linux-musl
name = "${name}.service";
type = "oneshot";
# does this suffice to make sure dependencies are included
# even though the built output has no references to their
# store directories?
buildInputs = dependencies;
shell = "${busybox}/bin/sh";
# up and down for oneshots are pathnames not scripts
up = writeAshScript "${name}-up" {} up;
down = writeAshScript "${name}-down" {} down;
dependencies = builtins.map (d: d.name) dependencies;
builder = ./builder.sh;
target = {
, contents ? []
, dependencies ? []
, ...
}: stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
inherit name;
type = "bundle";
contents = builtins.map (d: d.name) contents;
2022-09-22 11:45:41 +00:00
buildInputs = dependencies ++ contents;
dependencies = builtins.map (d: d.name) dependencies;
shell = "${busybox}/bin/sh";
builder = ./builder.sh;
bundle = { name, ... } @args : target (args // { name = "${name}.bundle";});
in {
networking = {
interface = { type, device } @ args: oneshot {
name = "${device}.link";
up = "ip link set up dev ${device}";
down = "ip link set down dev ${device}";
} // {
inherit device;
address = interface: { family, prefixLength, address } @ args:
let inherit (builtins) toString;
in oneshot {
dependencies = [ interface ];
name = "${interface.device}.addr.${address}";
up = "ip address add ${address}/${toString prefixLength} dev ${interface.device} ";
down = "ip address del ${address}/${toString prefixLength} dev ${interface.device} ";
2022-09-22 10:10:41 +00:00
udhcpc = callPackage ./networking/udhcpc.nix {};
odhcpc = interface: { ... } @ args: longrun {
name = "${interface.device}.odhcp";
run = "odhcpcd ${interface.device}";
2022-09-25 10:54:31 +00:00
pppoe = callPackage ./networking/pppoe.nix {};
services = {
inherit longrun oneshot bundle target;
output = service: name: "/run/s6-rc/scandir/${service.name}/data/outputs/${name}";