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Daniel Barlow 2024-08-10 23:05:15 +01:00
parent 9767078878
commit 409c1cfb16
1 changed files with 5572 additions and 5506 deletions

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@ -5504,3 +5504,69 @@ Wed Aug 7 18:36:09 BST 2024
export SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(age -d key.age) ; sops -a age1vearrjhv4x4cw6rfg2hdgqp46p4k673avezk3td5rd9ktrcrmslsljjsfq -e secrets.yaml > secrets.enc.yaml export SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(age -d key.age) ; sops -a age1vearrjhv4x4cw6rfg2hdgqp46p4k673avezk3td5rd9ktrcrmslsljjsfq -e secrets.yaml > secrets.enc.yaml
EDITOR="emacs -nw" SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(age -d key.age) sops secrets.enc.yaml EDITOR="emacs -nw" SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(age -d key.age) sops secrets.enc.yaml
Fri Aug 9 21:51:18 BST 2024
we have a service that periodically fetches a json and writes the values
to its outputs
we need to figure how to *use* that data
- services that can't look in a file for their secrets might need a config
file to be rewritten
- service may need restarting to pick up a changed secret
- maybe service accepts secrets using environment variables (see also
previous point)
we already have a mechanism for watching service output changes, it's the
thing we use for picking up dhcp6 config
it doesn't do the diff for you, you have to remember the old value and
see for yourself if the change is useful.
what we'd like is something like this:
svc.secret-watcher.build {
source = config.services.secret-service;
watch = ["wlan" "telent5"];
service = svc.hostapd {
params = {
# ....
wpa_passphrase = "$(output secret-watcher "wlan/telent5/wpa_passphrase")";
but output is a shell function, so how do we get this substituted into
the config file? something at runtime needs to rewrite the config file
into /run and interpolate the values.
the hostap service "run" script, before starting hostapd, needs to
copy the config file from the store into /run/somewhere and
interpolate secrets.
we could have a reasonably general command to do interpolation
echo 'wpa_passphrase={[ wpa_passphrase ]}' | \
patch-secrets /run/services/outputs/secrets-service/wlan/telent5 {[ ]} \
> /run/services/state/${name}/hostapd.conf
The values might need quoting/escaping, and the quoting rules will
depend on the format of the file that needs to be generated. What if
we do an Erb-style thing and evaluate the bit inside quotes as
Lua - then we can provide any kind of escapes needed as lua functions
wpa_passphrase={[ string.format("%q", wpa_passphrase) ]}
We could for convenience provide squote(), dquote() etc functions
but the necessary rules for escaping might vary. How about
having shell() or json() or ? (what else? html?) functions that
format and escape per the encoding rules for that language?
myenv = {
string.gsub(template_string, "%{%[.-%]%}", function(x)
load(x, x, "t", myenv)