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Daniel Barlow 2024-08-06 18:43:49 +01:00
parent 5db9d7269e
commit 47e96ddc15
1 changed files with 73 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -5421,3 +5421,76 @@ gateway with the pppoe service instead of building it _in_ the profile,
we can have gateways with other-than-pppoe for the wan we can have gateways with other-than-pppoe for the wan
(for a straight lte uplink, could pass the wwan interface as wan) (for a straight lte uplink, could pass the wwan interface as wan)
Fri Aug 2 20:18:38 BST 2024
Some thoughts about secrets
1) clevis/tang is a mechanism to have encrypted local secrets that
can't be decrypted unless a particular network host is present. This
means we can reboot it unattended without having plaintext on the device,
but it doesn't address getting the secrets onto the device.
when is this useful?
- someone steals the router and doesn't steal the tang server, they can't have my secrets
when not?
- someone compromises the machine, gets root, and looks in /run
- doesn't address key rotation
2) hashicorp vault or something like it can download secrets from
a networked server - then we just plonk them in /run. But I don't want
to pay for vault itself, so "something like" are the key words there
3) Is sops relevant here? could we keep secrets in a big sops json/yaml
and serve the decrypted file over https?
==== so we have a plan, I think =====
1) a secrets service that retrieves the secrets from some directory1
that isn't /nix/store and copies them to its outputs with minimal
permissions. Services that need secrets can depend on the secrets
service and be restarted when secrets change
1b) a service that monitors changes in secrets (e.g. using inotify
on /run/services/outputs/foo/bar) potentially doesn't need to restart
when the secrets change, so how do we know which ones to pass over?
This is a performance optimisation not a correctness issue
2) as (1) but the secrets are encrypted and we use clevis to decrypt
3) a secrets service that fetches the decrypted secrets as a JSON file
using HTTPS. We can use this ourselves with SOPS and it will be easy
to adapt for Vault users.
(What about fetching _encrypted_ secrets with https and then
decrypting locally? I don't think we can do this with clevis because
the machine that encypts has to be the machine that decrypts (ICBW).
Sat Aug 3 22:28:24 BST 2024
It would be useful maybe if the secrets could survive a reboot. Fetch
using HTTPS and then store locally using clevis. But actually all that
does is mean we've shifted from "can see the secrets server" to "can
see the tangd server" so maybe not especially useful
* We can't put passwords in the secrets unless we have a service that
will change /etc/passwd if they change *
we need a service that does the HTTPS call, parses the JSON response
and writes it as nested subdirectories
can we encode permissions and ownership into the file? should we?
will some other secret store (say, Vault) know how to encode permissions
in the same way as we arbitrarily choose to?
Tue Aug 6 18:41:16 BST 2024
I would like to know
- why the docs aren't being built
- min-copy-closure error: "cpio: unsupported cpio format, use newc or crc"
- can we avoid rebuilding this crapload of build packages?