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Daniel Barlow 2024-09-06 22:37:49 +01:00
parent 277c91acdf
commit 5a5c27ab9f
1 changed files with 205 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -5982,3 +5982,208 @@ bordervm
- set the hostname somehow on loaclhost
(actually we could just hardcode the url in tangc.fnl)
- export 7654 in qemu somewhow
Mon Sep 2 21:49:05 BST 2024
TODO - Things we haven't done yet, ideas to consider
[done] 1) improve popen2, maybe using coroutines for proper async chat
2) allow on-device not-in-store netrc so it could be kept in 0700.
Could just do authFile = "/mnt/store/blah"
[done] 3) we're not using luaposix on the host so maybe we can drop it in
[done] 4) add nodefaultroute to default ppp-options
[done] 5) implement if-modified-since in json-to-fstree
6) clean up some copy-paste (e.g. literal_or_output or whatever we call it)
- [done] ppp variants are consolidated, but there's still more to do here
7) remove references to kexecboot
8) performance testing
9) revive ax3200 port and fix ubifs
10) rebuild our wifi APs and lenscap to use levitate and outboard secrets
11) [outside scope] secrets server on arthur, and oidc too?
12) remove errors from ersatz coldplug
13) teach anoia.svc how to write/remove .lock and state
14) log kernel messages
15) log shipping to something useful
16) standardise error messages in fennel. using assert() is not good
for errors like "the file is missing or can't be opened" because
the backtrace is voluminous and usually inaccurate
we could have something like check-ok which looks for the
common multiple-return (nil errmsg) pattern, we'd like a similar
one for the lualinux (nill errno) pattern.
17) fix with nixpkgs unstable
Wed Sep 4 21:45:07 BST 2024
blurb for audit:
Liminix is a Linux/Nix-based OS that can be flashed to consumer WiFi
routers of the kind that OpenWrt usually runs on (usually small MIPS
or ARM SBCs). Its USP is that because it's based on Nix, the
configuration of your device is based on a text file: there's no GUI
or other imperative interface allowing you to make changes that you
will forget you did six months later and have to recreate when you
update to a new version of the system.
tl;dr C, nftables, Lua (Fennel even better), shell, Nix. No specific
timeline from my end (unless nlnet have told you otherwise). IMO,
emphasis on network vulnerabilities rather than anything involving local
escalation: nobody is expected to be logged in locally except for
maintenance purposes in which case they're trusted by definition.
If you want to start by seeing it running, unless you have a
supported device then your best bet would be to build it for Qemu
<https://www.liminix.org/doc/tutorial.html#running-in-qemu>. It boots
to a root console shell (there is no password on the serial console
because if you have that level of physical access on a real device
it's game over anyway) so take a look at the process list and
filesystem and generally poke around. The filesystem is read-only
unless you configure it otherwise.
To do a "static" audit: a rough breakdown of the contents, by volume, would look like this:
1) 95% of it is packages in the Nix package system (and the Linux
kernel). Some of the packages are built with different compilation
options to produce smaller output, and in a few cases I've patched
them, so someone with C experience might be suited to look at those
[dan@loaclhost:~/src/liminix]$ find pkgs/ -name \*.patch
pkgs/kernel/phram-allow-cached-mappings.patch # relevant to dev devices not production
pkgs/kernel/mips-malta-fdt-from-bootloader.patch # for qemu only
pkgs/u-boot/0002-virtio-init-for-malta.patch # only used in tests
pkgs/u-boot/0001-add-ubifs-to-boot-targets.patch # only used in tests
pkgs/qemu/arm-image-friendly-load-addr.patch # only used in tests
pkgs/kernel-backport/gentree-writable-outputs.patch # unused
pkgs/mtdutils/0001-mkfs.jffs2-add-graft-option.patch # can be removed
pkgs/kexec-map-file.patch # can be removed
dropbear (ssh) and xl2tpd (l2tp) are network-accessible. The kernel
is a high-impact target, but cmdline-cookie.patch is the only "production"
patch there so hopefully easy to review
Significant packages with custom config options:
* hostapd (configured for libtommath, internal TLS)
* nftables (--with-mini-gmp)
* openssl "no-threads" and patches to Configure to build on MIPS
My assumption with all of these is that the package authors wouldn't
provide these as configuration knobs if they weren't reasonably confident
they work as advertised, but I am willing to hear otherwise.
2) the device has a firewall using nftables. The user gets to choose
their firewall rules, but the default ruleset
is based on RFC 6092 for IPv6 and "received wisdom" for IPv4: I would
very much like a second pair of eyes on this.
3) Code which is original to Liminix: as far as possible I've used a
high-level language (Fennel, which is a Lisp syntax that transpiles to
Lua) for "original" development. There is one C package
(pkgs/preinit) and some C glue to expose interfaces to Lua.
None of the original code listens to the network (except Unix-domain
sockets). At least, it was never intended to :-)
pkgs/devout : fills the same role as udev (listens to a kernel socket
and a unix domain socket)
pkgs/json-to-fstree : does HTTP GET and POST requests, using a port of the
FreeBSD libfetch code (see pkgs/fetch-freebsd)
pkgs/tangc : is a transliteration from bash script to Fennel of
I call this one out specially because it's crypto-adjacent, but all the
actual cryptography happens in "jose" which it invokes as a subprocess
pkgs/min-copy-closure contains some shell scripts which leverage cpio
and ssh to update a running device over the network. My shell
scripting is probably worse than my C, so take a look
4) there is a mechanism to configure the device's secrets (PPP
password, ssh keys, etc) by fetching a JSON file from an HTTPS server,
and then generating configuration files for the various services that
use those secrets. This is mostly Fennel (so, Lua)
5) the init/service supervision system is based on s6/s6-rc (again, C
software). I don't know if this has ever had an external audit, but to
my eyes it looks like it's been written with security in mind.
Thu Sep 5 10:12:11 BST 2024
if-modified-since and fenceposts ...
we set the mtime of "." to last-modified on retrieve. what resolution
is the timestamp? empirically (using stat(1)), tmpfs seems to have
sub-second resolution, so no loss of data
Thu Sep 5 11:15:24 BST 2024
how do we do deadlock-free popen2? need to use select or poll
on the input and output fds, and read/write a chunk when one of them is ready
(subprocess ["/usr/games/advent" "advent"]
:on-stdout #(print (ll.read %1))
:on-stderr #(print "ERR" (ll.read %1))
:on-stdin #(ll.write %1 "go north\n")
for send/expect things, a single callback would be preferable if
it has a reason it's being called
(subprocess ["/usr/games/advent" "advent"]
(fn talk [stream fd]
(match stream
:out (print (ll.read fd))
:err (print "ERR" (ll.read fd))
:in (ll.write %1 "go north\n"))))
because it can be hooked up to a coroutine. The coroutine is then
responsible for doing things in the right order to avoid letting buffers
fill up - probably this is just a matter of dealing with the
subprocess output before sending it more that it can choke on
wat about partial writes? the coroutine is presumably keeping some
kind of state so it can check the return of ll.write when it updates that
Fri Sep 6 19:57:37 BST 2024
video editing
* there are ppp credentials onscreen at 13:00
* should finish at 33:00