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Daniel Barlow 2023-11-24 22:33:42 +00:00
parent d789a23113
commit b0ae314df4
1 changed files with 78 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -3068,6 +3068,82 @@ foreground {
${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-hpr -fr ${s6-linux-init}/bin/s6-linux-init-hpr -fr
https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/sysupgrade https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/sysupgrade
s6-svscanctl -t /run/service
Sun Nov 19 10:23:17 GMT 2023
# cat `type -p reboot`
#!/nix/store/0v3q2lnh7bwg0ldk24lzmsdnmidmdvm6-execline-mips-unknown-linux-musl- -S0
/nix/store/j41b85ccx0rmf7lm5g13zqb7fs68l8y2-s6-linux-init-mips-unknown-linux-musl- -r \$@
s6-linux-init-hpr calls hpr_send("", 0)
hpr_shutdown(what, &tain_zero, 0))
which I assume is s6-linux-init-shutdownd.c
it calls prepare_shutdown on socket read, which sets deadline, grace_time.
later (when?) it calls
run_stage3(basedir) ; # we can see this by adding a message to rc.shutdown
# this causes s6-rc services to be downed gently
s6-rc -v2 -bDa change
prepare_stage4(basedir, what)
creates a file STAGE4_FILE with the contents:
s6-linux-init-hpr -f -r
unsupervise_tree() ;
goes through /run/service/*/supervise/control fifos
except shutdownd and logger, sending
"d" to each
then does
s6_svc_write(SCANDIRFULL "/" S6_SVSCAN_CTLDIR "/control", "an", 2)
(this is a rescan not a terminate)
(works out to be /run/service "/" ".s6-svscan")
kill(-1, SIGTERM) ;
s6-rc -v2 -bDa change
cd /run/service
for i in s6-linux-init-runleveld s6rc-oneshot-runner s6rc-fdholder eth* getty ; do s6-svc -d /run/service/$i; done
s6-rc -v2 -bDa change
cd /run/service
for i in s6-linux-init-runleveld s6rc-oneshot-runner s6rc-fdholder eth* ; do s6-svc -d /run/service/$i; done
s6-svscanctl -an /run/service
Wed Nov 22 22:01:02 GMT 2023
- define a subset of services that run in maintenance mode.
- write a command that copies the closure of this bundle into
- create enough non-store filesystem (proc dev etc) to make it run
Thu Nov 23 00:09:44 GMT 2023
I was as surprised as anybody that this seems to work, at least
insofar as it has started a busybox sh process. there is a serious
deficit of symlinks to busybox, so almost no shell scripts work. and I
think we need an rc.init
It would be worth tidying up the main s6 run-image quite a lot before
we go further with this
We'd like to be able to reuse the s6 pseudofile structure (/etc/s6-rc
and /etc/s6-linux-init) but we can't make it a derivation because it's
pseudofiles (with funny permissions) not real files. Maybe we can
invoke the module as a function?