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Daniel Barlow 2024-07-08 21:17:12 +01:00
parent 2663f58807
commit c75452549b
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@ -5161,3 +5161,215 @@ for s in $(s6-rc-db -d all-dependencies $service); do
Sun Jun 16 23:13:53 BST 2024
what we are trying to do is set up an l2tp by hostname
1) this means looking up the hostname in the dns
2) this means having a route to the dns server
3) this means parsing the space-separated list of dns servers
provided by dhcp
we could write the servers each into their own file, but that
helps less than you'd think unless we give those files predictable
Thu Jun 20 10:16:52 BST 2024
now we have l2tp-over-wwan, we need to do the failover mechanism
- can't have both l2tp and pppoe running at once (at least for aaisp)
because same creds used for both and starting l2tp will cause them
to route all traffic to the l2tp instead of the FTTx
- we could have the wwan stick permanently configured and ready to go,
as long as we're not actvely using it unless the main connection is
- can we have the same odhcp stuff running and point it to either?
maybe renaming the wan interface would be an easy-ish way to do this
we need some kind of health check on the main connection that will
bring up the backup if e.g. packet loss over x%. Or is lcp echo good
enough here? for multipath to the same backhaul, if some weird routing
cockup makes google unavailable from the main connection it will most
likely also be unavailable from the backup, so lcp echo is arguably better
on a side note, use of shell functions to get the output from another
service is a bit icky
Fri Jun 21 21:05:21 BST 2024
We can have a controller with two controlled services, which runs the
second one when the first one isn't working.
how do we connect the dependent services (dhcp pd, defaultroute, anything
else dependent on wan) to the correct upstream?
we can't use bundles because bundles just flatten to atomic services, there's
no either/or there
- main service
- backup service
- proxy service
The proxy service is running when one of the main or backup services is
up. It provides all the outputs of whichever backend service is active
proxy could use "s6-svwait -U -o main backup" to wait for one of the two
backend services, provded that both are longruns
so in the controller we start main-service, and if/when that fails start
backup-service. we run proxy-service if any of the backend services is
running, and use its outputs to indicate which.
the proxy could just symlink to the backing service outputs directory,
or it could copy and translate if the main and backup services have
different outputs, so that it presents a common interface. I'm not
sure proxy is the best name but I haven't thought of a better.
we can do a manual switch back to main-service by restarting the
controller. we could do an automatic switch by adding logic to the
controller to make it restart itself.
perhaps the controller has an output that indicates which backend is
active, then the proxy just needs to look at that to figure which one to
while true; do
if s6-rc -u change $primary; then # will wait until succeeded, or exit 1 if timeout
ln -sf $primary outputs/active
s6-rc -u change $proxy
elif s6-rc -u change $secondary; then
ln -sf $secondary outputs/active
s6-rc -u change $proxy
rm outputs/active
s6-rc -d change $proxy
# wait for the backend to die (down cleanup will
# remove outputs directory)
while test -d outputs/active/.outputs
inotifywait outputs/active/.outputs
rm outputs/active
s6-rc -d change $proxy
this script will when when primary dies, attempt to start primary: if
it doesn't come up, start secondary
if the primary comes up and then goes down later, we'll start it
again - which isn't what we want. When the primary dies, we
want to try the secondary next
backends="primary secondary tertiary etc"
while true ; do
first="${rest%% *}"
rest="${backends#* }"
if test -n "$first"; then
if s6-rc -u change $first; then
ln -sf $first outputs/active
s6-rc -u change $proxy
while test -d outputs/active/.outputs
inotifywait outputs/active/.outputs
rm outputs/active
s6-rc -d change $proxy
in this version when the secondary dies then we try the third backend
(round-robin). are there circumstances where we'd rather retry the primary?
Presumably there are circumstances where we would _not_ rather
retry the primary, otherwise why are we even providing a tertiary?
If we could answer that question then we'd know.
Mon Jun 24 21:22:34 BST 2024
the controller needs to know the names of its backends, which is ugly
if they're computed names because we can't define the services themselves
first without their references to the controller
mutual recursion ... maybe it's time to understand how this fixpoint
thing works
Wed Jun 26 22:16:25 BST 2024
s6 will restart the pppoe service when it dies, and keep doing this
indefinitely - unless the ./finish script returns 125. Note that this
is only true for longruns, but it's not as though oneshots can die
anyway as there's no process to fail.
Sat Jun 29 21:43:10 BST 2024
> s6-supervise says it restarts the supervised process when it exits
"unless told not to"; however s6-rc talks about "failed
transitions": if a s6-rc service doesn't signal readiness before
timeout-up expires, it is stopped and won't be restarted. I *think*
the behaviour I am observing is that ./run may be invoked several
times if it dies without ever signalling readiness, and then it's
killed when the timeout is exceeded
... so ... that's OK, probably. pppoe will stop running after n
lcp-echoes time out
inotifywait apparently requires c++ and libgcc and transitively the
kitchen sink, which is a bit silly as we have linotify in lua. So
we should replace the failover scripty thing with a lua program
(table.concat rdepends ", ")
Fri Jul 5 21:21:18 BST 2024
1970-01-01 00:01:00.797696621 wan-switcher blocks ( modem-modeswitch, modem-atz, wan.link.pppoe,, wan-proxy ) rdepends ( ) start ( )
why is it starting l2tp when it should depend on having a route to the
l2tp server
Sat Jul 6 14:24:26 BST 2024
The logic for up-tree is not correct, as it assumes that the
requested service is itself ready to start (so excludes it from
the blocked list). If the requested service is dependent on
some other block, it should not be started.
[ I am confused. Isn't this what happens already? ]
@40000000000000441b51b24c wan-switcher blocks ( modem-atz, modem-modeswitch,, wan.link.pppoe, wan-proxy ) rdepends ( ) start ( )
# s6-rc-db all-dependencies