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tangc support encryption

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Barlow 2024-08-28 18:55:20 +01:00
parent 85071c88e7
commit da95a9fa62
1 changed files with 56 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body))) body)))
(fn run [] (fn decrypt []
(let [b64 (base64 :url) (let [b64 (base64 :url)
raw (: (io.input) :read "*a") raw (: (io.input) :read "*a")
(_ _ ph undigested) (string.find raw "(.-)%.(.+)") (_ _ ph undigested) (string.find raw "(.-)%.(.+)")
@ -112,4 +112,59 @@
jwk (jwk-exc-noi rep tmp)] jwk (jwk-exc-noi rep tmp)]
(print (jwe-dec jwk ph undigested))))) (print (jwe-dec jwk ph undigested)))))
(fn perform-encryption [jwks url]
(let [enc (jose! [:jwk :use "-i-" "-r" "-u" "deriveKey" "-o-"]
(json.encode jwks))
;; adding a -s to jwk use will "Always output a JWKSet" which
; ;presumably would make the following line redundant
enc_ (if enc.keys enc {:keys [enc]})]
(assert (= (# enc_.keys) 1)
(.. "Expected one exchange key, got " (# enc_.keys)))
(let [jwk (doto (. enc_.keys 1) (tset :key_ops nil) (tset :alg nil))
kid (josep! [:jwk :thp "-i-" "-a" (. thumbprint-algs 1)]
(json.encode jwk))
jwe {:protected {
:alg "ECDH-ES"
:enc "A256GCM"
:kid kid
:clevis {:pin "tang"
:tang {:url url :adv jwks }}}}]
(josep! [:jwe :enc "-i-" "-k-" "-I-" "-c"]
(.. (json.encode jwe) (json.encode jwk)
(: (io.input) :read "*a"))))))
(fn usage []
(print "tangc\n=====\n")
(print "tangc decrypt < filename.enc # decrypt")
(print (%% "tangc encrypt %q # print available keys"
(json.encode {:url "http://tang.local"})))
(print (%% "tangc encrypt %q < plaintext > filename.enc # encrypt"
(json.encode {:thp "idGFpbiBhIHByZWJ1aWx0IGRhdGFiYXNlIGZyb20gaH"
:url "http://tang.local"}))))
(fn encrypt [cfg]
(let [{ : url : thp : adv } cfg
b64 (base64 :url)
adv (or adv (json.decode (http.fetch (.. url "/adv/" (or thp "")))))]
(assert adv.payload "advertisement is malformed")
(let [jwks (json.decode (b64:decode adv.payload))
ver (jose! [:jwk :use "-i-" "-r" "-u" "verify" "-o-"]
(json.encode jwks))]
(print (josep! [:jws :ver "-i" (json.encode adv) "-k-" "-a"]
(json.encode ver)))
(if (and thp (search-key ver thp))
(print (perform-encryption jwks url))
(print (.. "Thumbrints of advertised keys are listed below. Set the thp attribute to preferred key\n"
(josep! [:jwk :thp "-i-" "-a" (. thumbprint-algs 1)] (json.encode ver))))))))
(fn run []
(case arg
["decrypt"] (decrypt)
["encrypt" cfg] (encrypt (json.decode cfg))
_ (error "usage: tangc [decrypt] | [encrypt cfg]")))
{ : run } { : run }