# This is not part of Liminix per se. This is my "scratchpad" # configuration for the device I'm testing with. # # Parts of it do do things that Liminix eventually needs to do, but # don't look in here for solutions - just for identifying the # problems. { config, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, ... } : let secrets = { domainName = "fake.liminix.org"; firewallRules = { }; } // (import ./rotuer-secrets.nix); svc = config.system.service; wirelessConfig = { country_code = "GB"; inherit (secrets) wpa_passphrase; wmm_enabled = 1; }; in rec { boot = { tftp = { freeSpaceBytes = 3 * 1024 * 1024; serverip = ""; ipaddr = ""; }; }; imports = [ "${modulesPath}/profiles/gateway.nix" "${modulesPath}/schnapps" "${modulesPath}/outputs/btrfs.nix" "${modulesPath}/outputs/extlinux.nix" ]; hostname = "rotuer"; rootfsType = "btrfs"; rootOptions = "subvol=@"; boot.loader.extlinux.enable = true; profile.gateway = { lan = { interfaces = with config.hardware.networkInterfaces; [ wlan wlan5 lan0 lan1 lan2 lan3 lan4 ]; inherit (secrets.lan) prefix; address = { family = "inet"; address ="${secrets.lan.prefix}.1"; prefixLength = 24; }; dhcp = { start = 10; end = 240; hosts = { } // lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.pathExists ./static-leases.nix) (import ./static-leases.nix); localDomain = "lan"; }; }; wan = { interface = config.hardware.networkInterfaces.wan; username = secrets.l2tp.name; password = secrets.l2tp.password; dhcp6.enable = true; }; firewall = { enable = true; rules = secrets.firewallRules; }; wireless.networks = { "${secrets.ssid}" = { interface = config.hardware.networkInterfaces.wlan; hw_mode = "g"; channel = "2"; ieee80211n = 1; } // wirelessConfig; "${secrets.ssid}5" = rec { interface = config.hardware.networkInterfaces.wlan5; hw_mode = "a"; channel = 36; ht_capab = "[HT40+]"; vht_oper_chwidth = 1; vht_oper_centr_freq_seg0_idx = channel + 6; ieee80211n = 1; ieee80211ac = 1; } // wirelessConfig; }; }; services.ntp = svc.ntp.build { pools = { "pool.ntp.org" = ["iburst"]; }; makestep = { threshold = 1.0; limit = 3; }; }; services.sshd = svc.ssh.build { }; users.root = secrets.root; defaultProfile.packages = with pkgs; [ min-collect-garbage nftables strace tcpdump s6 ]; programs.busybox = { applets = [ "fdisk" "sfdisk" ]; options = { FEATURE_FANCY_TAIL = "y"; }; }; }