{ writeText , lib }: let inherit (lib.attrsets) mapAttrsToList; visit = prefix: attrset: let qprint = msg : builtins.replaceStrings ["\n" "=" "\"" "$"] ["=0A" "=3D" "=22" "=24"] msg; l = mapAttrsToList (filename: attrs: let attrs' = {type = "f"; } // attrs; mode = if attrs ? mode then attrs.mode else (if attrs'.type == "d" then "0755" else "0644"); line = "${prefix}/${filename} ${attrs'.type} ${mode} 0 0"; in if attrs'.type == "f" then "${line} echo -n \"${qprint attrs'.file}\" |qprint -d" else if attrs'.type == "d" then (visit "${prefix}/${filename}" attrs.contents) + "\n" + line else if attrs'.type == "c" then with attrs'; "${line} ${major} ${minor}" else if attrs'.type == "b" then with attrs'; "${line} ${major} ${minor}" else if attrs'.type == "s" then "${line} ${attrs'.target}" else if attrs'.type == "l" then "${prefix}/${filename} l ${attrs'.target}" else if attrs'.type == "i" then "${line} ${attrs.subtype}" else line) attrset; in builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" l; in { write = filename : attrset : writeText filename (visit "" attrset); dir = contents: { type = "d"; inherit contents; }; symlink = target: { type = "s"; inherit target; }; }