{ stdenvNoCC , s6-rc , s6 , lib , callPackage , writeScript , serviceFns }: let inherit (builtins) concatStringsSep any map; prefix = "/run/services/outputs"; output = service: name: "${prefix}/${service.name}/${name}"; serviceScript = commands : '' #!/bin/sh exec 2>&1 . ${serviceFns} ${commands} ''; cleanupScript = name : '' #!/bin/sh if test -d ${prefix}/${name} ; then rm -rf ${prefix}/${name} ; fi ''; service = { name , serviceType , run ? null , up ? null , down ? null , finish ? null , outputs ? [] , notification-fd ? null , producer-for ? null , consumer-for ? null , pipeline-name ? null , timeout-up ? 30000 # milliseconds , timeout-down ? 0 , dependencies ? [] , contents ? [] , buildInputs ? [] , restart-on-upgrade ? false , controller ? null } @ args: stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation { # we use stdenvNoCC to avoid generating derivations with names # like foo.service-mips-linux-musl inherit name serviceType up down run finish notification-fd producer-for consumer-for pipeline-name timeout-up timeout-down restart-on-upgrade; buildInputs = buildInputs ++ dependencies ++ contents ++ lib.optional (controller != null) controller; inherit controller dependencies contents; builder = ./builder.sh; }; longrun = { name , run , outputs ? [] , notification-fd ? null , dependencies ? [] , buildInputs ? [] , ... } @ args: let logger = service { serviceType = "longrun"; name = "${name}-log"; run = serviceScript "${s6}/bin/s6-log -d 10 -- p${name} 1"; notification-fd = 10; consumer-for = name; pipeline-name = "${name}-pipeline"; }; in service (args // { buildInputs = buildInputs ++ [ logger ]; serviceType = "longrun"; run = serviceScript run; finish = cleanupScript name; producer-for = "${name}-log"; }); oneshot = { name , up , down ? "" , outputs ? [] , dependencies ? [] , ... } @ args : service (args // { serviceType = "oneshot"; up = writeScript "${name}-up" (serviceScript up); down = writeScript "${name}-down" "${serviceScript down}\n${cleanupScript name}"; }); bundle = { name , contents ? [] , dependencies ? [] , ... } @ args: service (args // { serviceType = "bundle"; inherit contents dependencies; }); target = bundle; in { inherit target bundle oneshot longrun output; }