# Liminix A Nix-based system for configuring consumer wifi routers or IoT device devices, of the kind that OpenWrt or DD-WRT or Gargoyle or Tomato run on. It's a reboot/restart/rewrite of NixWRT. This is not NixOS-on-your-router: it's aimed at devices that are underpowered for the full NixOS experience. It uses busybox tools, musl instead of GNU libc, and s6-rc instead of systemd. The Liminix name comes from Liminis, in Latin the genitive declension of "limen", or "of the threshold". Your router stands at the threshold of your (online) home and everything you send to/receive from the outside word goes across it. ## Current status (does it work yet?) Liminix is pre-1.0. We are still finding new and better ways to do things, and there is no attempt to maintain backward compatibility with the old ways. The [NEWS](NEWS) file (available wherever you found this README) is a high-level overview of breaking changes. Development mostly happens on the `main` branch, which is therefore not guaranteed to build or to work on every commit. For the latest functioning version, see [the CI system](https://build.liminix.org/jobset/liminix/build) and pick a revision with all jobs green. ## Documentation Documentation is in the [doc](doc/) directory. You can build it by running nix-shell -p sphinx --run "make -C doc html" Rendered documentation corresponding to the latest commit on `main` is published to [https://www.liminix.org/doc/](https://www.liminix.org/doc/) ## Extremely online There is a #liminix IRC channel on the [OFTC](https://www.oftc.net/) network in which you are welcome. You can also connect with a Matrix client by joining the room `#_oftc_#liminix:matrix.org`. In the IRC channel, as in all Liminix project venues, please conduct yourself according to the Liminix [Code of Conduct](CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md).