Configuration and Module Guide ############################## Liminix uses the Nix language to provide congruent configuration. This means that to change anything about the way in which a Liminix system works, you make that change in :file:`configuration.nix` (or one of the other files it references) and rerun :command:`nix-build` or :command:`liminix-rebuild` to action the change. It is not possible (at least, without shenanigans) to make changes by logging into the device and running imperative commands whose effects may later be overridden: :file:`configuration.nix` always describes the entire system and can be used to recreate that system at any time. You can usefully keep it under version control. If you are familiar with NixOS, you will notice some similarities between NixOS and Liminix configuration, and also some differences. Sometimes the differences are due to the resource-constrained devices we deploy onto, sometimes due to differences in the uses these devices are put to. Configuration taxonomy ********************** There are many things you can specify in a configuration, but these are the ones you most commonly need to change: * which services (processes) to run * what packages to install * permitted users and groups * Linux kernel configuration options * Busybox applets * filesystem layout Modules ******* **Modules** are a means of abstraction which allow "bundling" of configuration options related to a common purpose or theme. For example, the ``dnsmasq`` module defines a template for a dnsmasq service, ensures that the dnsmasq package is installed, and provides a dnsmasq user and group for the service to run as. The ``ppp`` module defines a service template and also enables various PPP-related kernel configuration. Not all modules are included in the configuration by default, because that would mean that the kernel (and the Busybox binary providing common CLI tools) was compiled with many unnecessary bells and whistles and therefore be bigger than needed. (This is not purely an academic concern if your device has little flash storage). Therefore, specifying a service is usually a two-step process. For example, to add an NTP service you first add :file:`modules/ntp` to your ``imports`` list, then you create a service by calling :code:` { .... }` with the appropriate service-dependent configuration parameters. .. code-block:: nix let svc = config.system.service; in { # ... imports = [ ./modules/ntp # .... ]; = { pools = { "" = ["iburst"]; }; makestep = { threshold = 1.0; limit = 3; }; }; Merely including the module won't define the service on its own: it only creates the template in ```` and you have to create an actual service using the template. This is an intentional choice to allow the creation of multiple differently-configured services based on the same template - perhaps e.g. when you have multiple networks (VPNs etc) in different trust domains, or you want to run two SSH daemons on different ports. .. tip:: Liminix modules should be quite familiar (but also different) if you already know how to use NixOS modules. We use the NixOS module infrastructure code, meaning that you should recognise the syntax, the type system, the rules for combining configuration values from different sources. We don't use the NixOS modules themselves, because the underlying system is not similar enough for them to work.