starting again

Daniel Barlow 2022-03-03 23:07:37 +00:00
parent 913050835b
commit 26dfaeb152
1 changed files with 79 additions and 300 deletions

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(local { : Gtk : Gdk : WebKit2 : cairo } lgi) (local { : Gtk : Gdk : WebKit2 : cairo } lgi)
(local {: view} (require :fennel))
(local cache-dir (.. (os.getenv "HOME") "/.cache/just")) (local cache-dir (.. (os.getenv "HOME") "/.cache/just"))
@ -16,239 +17,88 @@
(.. cache-dir "/cookies.db") (.. cache-dir "/cookies.db")
WebKit2.CookiePersistentStorage.SQLITE)) WebKit2.CookiePersistentStorage.SQLITE))
(fn event-bus [] (local
(let [subscriptions {} Webview
vivify (fn [n v] {
(tset n v (or (. n v) [])) :new
(. n v))] #(let [listeners {}
{ notify-listeners (fn [self pspec]
:subscribe (fn [self event-name handler] (let [n
(table.insert (vivify subscriptions event-name) handler)) funs (. listeners n)]
:publish (fn [self sender event-name payload] (when funs
(each [_ handler (pairs (. subscriptions event-name))] (each [_ f (ipairs funs)]
(handler sender payload))) (f (. self n))))))
:unsubscribe (fn [self event-name handler] widget (WebKit2.WebView {
(table.remove (. subscriptions event-name) handler)) :on_notify
})) #(notify-listeners $1 $2)
;;(load-adblocks webview.user_content_manager content-filter-store)
:listen (fn [self event-name fun]
(let [funs (or (. listeners event-name) [])]
(table.insert funs fun)
(tset listeners event-name funs)))
:visit (fn [self url]
(widget:load_uri url))
:stop-loading #(widget:stop_loading)
:refresh #(widget:reload)
:go-back #(and (widget:can_go_back) (widget:go_back))
:widget widget
(fn named-image [name size] (fn named-image [name size]
(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name (Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name
name name
(or size Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR))) (or size Gtk.IconSize.LARGE_TOOLBAR)))
(fn load-easylist-json [store cb] (local
(print "loading easylist from json") Navbar
(with-open [f ( "easylist_min_content_blocker.json" "r")] {
(let [blocks (f:read "*a")] :new
(store:save "easylist" (fn [webview]
(lgi.GLib.Bytes blocks) (let [url (Gtk.Entry {
nil ;; :completion (Gtk.EntryCompletion {:model completions :text_column 0 })
(fn [self res] :on_activate
(cb (store:save_finish res))))))) #(webview:visit $1.text)
stop (doto (Gtk.Button {
:on_clicked #(webview:stop-loading)
(: :set_image (named-image "process-stop")))
refresh (doto (Gtk.Button {
:on_clicked #(webview:refresh)
(: :set_image (named-image "view-refresh")))
show-tabs (Gtk.Button {
:label "><"
; :on_clicked #(views:show-tab-overview)
back (doto
(Gtk.Button {
:on_clicked #(webview:go-back)
(: :set_image (named-image "go-previous")))
widget (Gtk.Box {
:orientation Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL
(widget:pack_start back false false 2)
(widget:pack_start refresh false false 2)
(widget:pack_start stop false false 2)
(widget:pack_start url true true 2)
(widget:pack_end show-tabs false false 2)
(fn load-adblocks [content-manager store] (webview:listen :uri #(url:set_text $1))
(fn [self res]
(let [ids (store:fetch_identifiers_finish res)
found (icollect [_ id (pairs ids)] (= id "easylist"))]
(if (> (# found) 0)
(store:load "easylist" nil
(fn [self res]
(store:load_finish res))))
(fn [filter]
(content-manager:add_filter filter))))))))
(let [css " {
progress, trough { :widget widget
max-height: 6px; }))
color: #4444bb; })
style_provider (Gtk.CssProvider)]
(style_provider:load_from_data css)
(fn handle-webview-properties [self pspec bus] (let [window (Gtk.Window {
(bus:publish self :url-changed self.uri)
(if (> (self.title:len) 0)
(bus:publish self :title-changed self.title))
(bus:publish self :loading-progress self.estimated_load_progress)
(bus:publish self (if self.is_loading :start-loading :stop-loading))
(fn new-webview [bus]
(let [webview (WebKit2.WebView {
#(handle-webview-properties $1 $2 bus)
(load-adblocks webview.user_content_manager content-filter-store)
(fn scale-surface [source]
(let [image-width 300
image-height 200
scaled (cairo.ImageSurface.create
image-width image-height)
ctx (cairo.Context.create scaled)
source-width (cairo.ImageSurface.get_width source)
source-height (cairo.ImageSurface.get_height source)
scale (/ image-width source-width)]
;; XXX do we need to destroy this context? the example
;; in C called cairo_destroy(cr), but I haven't found a
;; gi equivalent
(doto ctx
(: :scale scale scale)
(: :set_source_surface source 0 0)
(: :paint))
(fn load-webview-thumbnail [button webview]
(fn [self res]
(let [surface (webview:get_snapshot_finish res)
scaled (scale-surface surface)
img (doto (Gtk.Image) (: :set_from_surface scaled))]
(button:set_image img)))))
(fn connect-swipe-gesture [widget bus index]
(Gtk.GestureSwipe {
:widget widget
(fn [self]
(self:set_state Gtk.EventSequenceState.CLAIMED))
(fn [self x y]
(if (and (< 700 x) (< y 700))
(bus:publish self :close-tab index)
(self:set_state Gtk.EventSequenceState.DENIED))
(fn update-tab-overview [bus tabs scrolledwindow]
(let [box (Gtk.Box {
:orientation Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL
(each [_ w (ipairs (scrolledwindow:get_children))]
(scrolledwindow:remove w))
(box:add (Gtk.Label { :label "Open tabs" }))
(each [i w (pairs tabs)]
(when (> i 0)
(doto (Gtk.Button {
:image-position Gtk.PositionType.TOP
#(bus:publish $1 :switch-tab i)
(connect-swipe-gesture bus i)
(load-webview-thumbnail w))
false false 5)))
(box:pack_start (Gtk.Button
:label " + "
:width 300
:height 200
:on_clicked #(bus:publish $1 :new-tab)
false false 5)
(scrolledwindow:add box)
(fn pane-cave [bus]
(let [tabs {}
widget (Gtk.Notebook {
:show_tabs false
(fn [self page num]
(when (= num 0)
(update-tab-overview bus tabs page)))
add-page (fn [v]
(let [i (widget:append_page v)]
(tset tabs i v)
(set i)
new-tab (fn [self]
(let [v (add-page (new-webview bus))]
(v:load_uri "about:blank")
tab-overview (Gtk.ScrolledWindow)
current #(. tabs]
(bus:subscribe :fetch #(match (current) c (c:load_uri $2)))
(bus:subscribe :stop-loading
#(match (current) c (c:stop_loading)))
(bus:subscribe :reload
#(match (current) c (c:reload)))
(bus:subscribe :go-back
#(match (current) c (and (c:can_go_back) (c:go_back))))
(bus:subscribe :new-tab new-tab)
(bus:subscribe :switch-tab
(fn [sender index]
(widget:set_current_page index)
(let [tab (. tabs index)]
(when (and tab tab.uri tab.title)
(bus:publish tab :url-changed tab.uri)
(bus:publish tab :title-changed tab.title)
(bus:subscribe :close-tab
(fn [sender i]
(tset tabs i nil)
(update-tab-overview bus tabs tab-overview)
(widget:set_current_page 0)))
(add-page tab-overview)
:new-tab new-tab
:current-tab current
:widget widget
:show-tab-overview (fn []
(widget:set_current_page 0)
(bus:publish tab-overview :url-changed false)
(bus:publish tab-overview :title-changed "Open tabs"))
(local completions
(doto (Gtk.ListStore)
(: :set_column_types [lgi.GObject.Type.STRING])))
(fn add-autocomplete-suggestion [url]
(completions:append [url]))
(let [bus (event-bus)
window (Gtk.Window {
:title "Just browsing" :title "Just browsing"
:default_width 360 :default_width 360
:default_height 720 :default_height 720
@ -257,87 +107,16 @@ progress, trough {
container (Gtk.Box { container (Gtk.Box {
:orientation Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL :orientation Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL
}) })
nav-bar (Gtk.Box { webview (
:orientation Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL navbar ( webview)
}) ]
progress-bar (Gtk.ProgressBar {
:orientation Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL
:fraction 1.0
:margin 0
url (Gtk.Entry {
:completion (Gtk.EntryCompletion {:model completions :text_column 0 })
(fn [self] (bus:publish self :fetch self.text))
stop (doto (Gtk.Button {
:on_clicked #(bus:publish $1 :stop-loading)
(: :set_image (named-image "process-stop")))
refresh (doto (Gtk.Button {
:on_clicked #(bus:publish $1 :reload)
(: :set_image (named-image "view-refresh")))
views (pane-cave bus)
show-tabs (Gtk.Button {
:label "><"
:on_clicked #(views:show-tab-overview)
back (doto
(Gtk.Button {
:on_clicked #(bus:publish $1 :go-back)
(: :set_image (named-image "go-previous")))
visible? (fn [tab]
(= (views:current-tab) tab))]
(bus:subscribe :url-changed (container:pack_start navbar.widget false false 0)
#(when (visible? $1) (container:pack_start webview.widget true true 0)
(doto url
(: :set_text (or $2 ""))
(: :set_editable (and $2 true)))))
(bus:subscribe :title-changed
#(when (visible? $1)
(.. $2 " - Just browsing"))))
(bus:subscribe :loading-progress
#(when (visible? $1)
(tset progress-bar :fraction $2)))
(bus:subscribe :start-loading
#(when (visible? $1)
(stop:show) (refresh:hide)))
(bus:subscribe :stop-loading
#(when (visible? $1)
(stop:hide) (refresh:show)))
(each [_ url (ipairs arg)]
(nav-bar:pack_start back false false 2)
(nav-bar:pack_start refresh false false 2)
(nav-bar:pack_start stop false false 2)
(nav-bar:pack_start url true true 2)
(nav-bar:pack_end show-tabs false false 2)
(container:pack_start nav-bar false false 5)
(container:pack_start progress-bar false false 0)
(container:pack_start views.widget true true 5)
(window:add container) (window:add container)
(window:show_all) (webview:visit "")
(bus:subscribe :fetch #(add-autocomplete-suggestion $2))
(each [i url (ipairs arg)]
(* 2 i)
(fn []
(bus:publish window :switch-tab i)
(bus:publish window :fetch url)
(Gtk.main) (Gtk.main)