
125 lines
3.3 KiB

(fn assoc [tbl k v & more]
(tset tbl k v)
(case more
[k v] (assoc tbl k v)
_ tbl))
(fn merge [table1 table2]
(collect [k v (pairs table2) &into table1]
k v))
(fn dup [table]
(collect [k v (pairs table)] k v))
(fn split [sep string]
(icollect [v (string.gmatch string (.. "([^" sep "]+)"))]
(fn file-exists? [name]
(match ( name :r)
f (do (f:close) true)
_ false))
(fn basename [path]
(string.match path ".*/([^/]-)$"))
(fn dirname [path]
(string.match path "(.*)/[^/]-$"))
(fn system [s]
(match (os.execute s)
res (do (print (.. "Executed \"" s "\", exit code " (tostring res))) res)
(nil err) (error (.. "Error executing \"" s "\" (" err ")"))))
(fn hash [str]
(accumulate [h 5381
c (str:gmatch ".")]
(+ (* h 33) (string.byte c))))
(fn table= [a b]
(if (= a b)
(and (= (type a) :table) (= (type b) :table)
(accumulate [equal true
k v1 (pairs a)
&until (not equal)]
;; all keys in a have the same value in a and b
(and equal
(let [v2 (. b k)] (and v2 (table= v1 v2)))))
(accumulate [present true
k _ (pairs b)
&until (not present)]
;; there are no keys in b which are not also in a
(and present (. a k))))))
(assert (table= {:a 1 :b 2} {:b 2 :a 1}))
(assert (not (table= {:a 1 :b 2 :k :l} {:b 2 :a 1})))
(assert (not (table= {:a 1 :b 2} {:b 2 :a 1 :k :l})))
(assert (table= {:a 1 :b {:l 17}} {:b {:l 17} :a 1}))
(assert (table= {:a [4 5 6 7] } {:a [4 5 6 7]}))
(assert (not (table= {:a [4 5 6 7] } {:a [4 5 6 7 8]})))
(assert (not (table= {:a [4 5 7 6] } {:a [4 5 6 7 ]}))))
(fn dig [tree path]
(match path
[el & more] (dig (. tree el) more)
[el] (. tree el)
[] tree))
(doto [
"B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O" "P"
"Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
"g" "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v"
"w" "x" "y" "z" "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "-" "_"
(tset 0 "A")))
;; local function base64(s)
;; local byte, rep = string.byte, string.rep
;; local pad = 2 - ((#s-1) % 3)
;; s = (s..rep('\0', pad)):gsub("...", function(cs)
;; local a, b, c = byte(cs, 1, 3)
;; return bs[a>>2] .. bs[(a&3)<<4|b>>4] .. bs[(b&15)<<2|c>>6] .. bs[c&63]
;; end)
;; return s:sub(1, #s-pad) .. rep('=', pad)
;; end
(fn %% [fmt ...] (string.format fmt ...))
(fn base64url [s]
"URL-safe Base64-encoded form of s (no trailing padding)"
(let [pad (- 2 (% (- (# s) 1) 3))
bs base64-indices
blank (string.rep "\0" pad)
s (-> (.. s blank)
(: :gsub
(fn [cs]
(let [(a b c) (string.byte cs 1 3)]
(.. (. bs (rshift a 2))
(. bs (bor (lshift (band a 3) 4) (rshift b 4)))
(. bs (bor (lshift (band b 15) 2) (rshift c 6)))
(. bs (band c 63)))))))]
(s:sub 1 (- (# s) pad))))
: assoc
: base64url
: basename
: dig
: dirname
: dup
: file-exists?
: hash
: merge
: split
: system
: table=
: %%