Fork 0

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## Bridge module
## Allows creation of Layer 2 software "bridge" network devices. A
## common use case is to merge together a hardware Ethernet device
## with one or more WLANs so that several local devices appear to be
## on the same network. Create a ``primary`` service to specify the
## new device, and a ``members`` service to add constituent devices
## to it.
{ lib, pkgs, config, ...}:
inherit (lib) mkOption types;
inherit (pkgs.liminix.services) oneshot;
inherit (pkgs) liminix;
options = {
system.service.bridge = {
primary = mkOption {
type = liminix.lib.types.serviceDefn;
members = mkOption {
type = liminix.lib.types.serviceDefn;
config.system.service.bridge = {
primary = liminix.callService ./primary.nix {
ifname = mkOption {
type = types.str;
description = "interface name for the bridge device";
members = liminix.callService ./members.nix {
members = mkOption {
type = types.listOf liminix.lib.types.service;
description = "interfaces to add to the bridge";
primary = mkOption {
type = liminix.lib.types.service;
description = "bridge interface to add them to";
config.kernel.config.BRIDGE = "y";